Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 29 March 2013

A Nostalgic Swim

Hildi, Alex and Ollie all joined this Winter's regular, Emma, for a Good Friday swim.  No Joan, so no beach hut.  We convened on the 'usual' or, 'Summer' beach.  Tide very very low and plenty of fisher-folk digging for bait.  Bitterly cold.  This is how we used to do it: changing on the beach under a flurry of snow (YES!, SNOW!).  Not even a Winter yoda in those days.  Alex and Ollie took their time getting under.  Motivated by the need to 'attempt a proper swim' in order to count a March swim, Ollie eventually joined Emma in some breaststroke (I think he may still have been wearing his woolly hat).  Hildi face in for some crawl and then Alex also under the water. So cold that our legs were numb and our shoulders hurt.  But then, on the way out, Hildi and Emma reluctant to leave the water for the wind-chill of the beach, some running and then the euphoria.

Changing was tricky with frozen hands.  Hildi opted for the 'get naked and cuddle a hot water bottle on bare skin under the yoda' technique.  Others slightly more decorous.  Chocolate cake with golden dust and sharing of hot drinks to warm up.

A little planning for the Saltman on May Day weekend and then off to enjoy this holiday weekend.  Lovely to see the boys again.  Hopefully all back together under the sun soon.

Swimmers: Alex, Emma, Hildi, Ollie
Conditions: Steel grey still and eerie.  Lowest of low tides.  Bitterly cold.  Snow. Gold awards all round.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Wednesday 27th March

Just to keep you up to date: Swim  this morning
No Emma. Celebrating her daughter's birthday!
Sara came into view with her new backpack, her usual chirpy self. I cuddled into my yoda. It was bitterly cold with a stiff NE wind and grey skies.

We took out the old thermometer as we waded into the incoming tide. The crab and lobster season has started and the fishing boats were out putting out thir pots on a calm and steel grey  sea. A pretty picture but not feeling so pretty the further we went in. Sara headed out but not as  far as usual and  and came back red in the face. Joan was silent, too cold to say much.
Warmed ourselves with our bottle of water and took ages to change. This followed by hot drinks and honey sandwiches.

Now Pete you wish to do a Rotters swim on Saturday? Take note of the latest data.
Swimmers:  Joan Sara
Air temp: 1C
Water temp had risen by a whopping .25 since the previous temp check: 2C and we checked it twice.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Sun 24th March

Sunday 24 March
Cold, bitter NE wind blowing.
Emma Christine and Joan ran down the beach and stopped. It was bitter. Joan plunged in followed by Chris who ran in and ran out! Emma followed, less noisy than usual and headed for the far groyne.
We made our way up the groyne and to the shelter of the hut. Getting dressed was slow and awkward. We were grateful for the hut this morning.
We look forward to seeing the group again on Wednesday and Friday this coming week.
Swimmers: Christine Emma Joan
Air temp: 0C
Wind: NE and bracing
Sea temp: Cold cold cold

Thurs 21st March

 Crisp and cold, light winds and a bit of a playful chop in the sea but felt a tad warmer than yesterday.
Sara plunged in and headed out. Joan enjoyed  herself closer inshore and kept watch .
Honey sandwiches, hot tea (and soup) warmed us as we completed another morning's swim.
Swimmers: Sara  Joan
Time in water : 8 mins
Air temp : 4C
Water temp: surprisingly fresh and spring-

Wed March 20th

Slight mist in the air and cold. A roll on the sea and tide at half mast.
The 3 stalwarts made their way down the shingle, Sara and Emma giggling and chatty.
Joan headed in and found a steep shelf down with Sara and Emma following. Sara soon headed out to sea and Emma  slowly made her way in turned on her back, then swam to the far groyne.
We all enjoyed our swim and made our way up the beach. The sun peeped out from the mist and we could feel it's instant warmth as we headed home and promised to meet the next day.
Swimmers: Emma Sara Joan
Time in water: 8 mins
Water Temp: 
Air temp:4C

Thursday 14 March 2013

Joan says: Mercury - still sinking!

Sara and I swam this morning. Blue skies calm and still. Cormorants winging their way. Cold cold morning.
Air temp 0 deg. and wait for it: Water temp. 1.75 deg C. Sara and I checked this 3 times so no doubters please or 'Brighton says.......'
We swam in the water in which we took the temp. The coldest yet!!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Spring has sprung - and so has Pete

Pete is taking a break from swimming owing to a break of another sort.  Hoping to be back at some stage during March in order to secure gold award for 2013!

It was a beautiful morning with slight waves from the east and highish water so no wading. The temp in the air was 8 as registered on the wall thermometer and it certainly felt more comfortable in the water.

Sara had a long swim out and Emma did widths while I played. Most enjoyable and yes it felt like spring!