Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Cabbage Patch Pete

Hildi cancelled with a bad back.
Pete announced that he would be coming and after the last no show when the wind was up, felt that he ought to be there.

Unfortunately the other SSFers had thought differently and once more, lonely Pete looked forlornly for splash buddies.

It's only when not distracted that one notices that which has been growing under the nose for months.  The sea kale was in full bloom and looking fairly incongruous at the top of the beach.

The sea wasn't great but Pete was tempted to break the rule, this being the last opportunity before going under the knife again.  However, sense prevailed, not wishing further injury on the gammy hand.

Pete said goodbye to the sea for a few weeks, glad to have at least seen the blooming brassicas.

Swimmers: None
Forlorn shore starer: Pete
Sea: Angry & sandy

2Fast 2Furious - Saltdean Drift

Sat 8th June
Pete picked up a delicate Hildi for a celebratory post OFSTED dip on Saturday.

The weather promised a flat sea but once more, the northerly chop was back.  With the tide right in, it was a long way to Pike this morning.  Pete (having forgotten wetsuit) set off first, rapidly overtaken by Hildi.  All going well with Pike firmly in sight but never seeming to arrive.

Stopping to check bearings, Pete was now in the same position but 25m to the west.  It was the infamous "Saltdean Drift" a boon if swimming to Rotters or the Marina but a pain if heading for France.

Both decided on discretion and felt that we would leave it at Pike for today.  The trip back was hard with both the northern chop and Saldean drift contriving to make this a difficult undertaking.  Hildi , having beached, then launched back to ensure that Pete arrived safely.

Back on shore,the wind was making a nuisance of itself, lifting yoda and generally cooling the June weather to that of March.  Hildi sensibly not relinquishing industrial yoda and fur lined boots.

Nice to be back without wetsuit, Pete decided that his cold water conditioning was returning.

Swimmers:  Hildi, Pete
In: 10.30
Out: 10.50
Air temp.: 8 degrees
Sea temp: Guess 10 degrees
Sea: 2Fast 2Furious

Northerly Chop

Weds 5th June
The view from Woodingdean was good with wonderfully flat calm seas.
Down on the beach however, a vicious northerly was whipping up a fierce little chop on the surface.

Another good turnout today with Joan, Emma - nervously anticipating the Arun on Saturday, Alex, Sara & Pete with a welcome appearance from Paul W disguised as Wally (not A Wally).  Hildi about to be thrown into the maelstrom of OFSTED was currently camping with year 5s (OFSTED probably preferable).

Sara Joan & Emma opted for splashing & chatting whilst the boys decided to make use of the now correctly aligned buoys.  Paul led first closely (but not for long) shadowed by Pete with Alex bringing up the rear.  The target was a loop starting with Pike, Pete quickly lost Paul and looking behind, found himself all alone - Alex had passed on his blind side (really must develop bilateral).  Turning at the Lost Buoy, the chop really came into it's own, with no swell just unpredictable waves in the face made for laborious progress.

So laborious in fact that on rounding the Devil's Elbow, five bodies in various states of undress were visible on the beach, Pete ploughed a lonely furrow back to base.

All in all, a good workout and with 10.5 degrees on the scale,  all were pleased to be swimming in double figures at last.

Swimmers: Paul W, sara, Emma, Alex, Joan, Pete
Time in: 7.10
Time out - Pete: 7.30
Air temp: 12 degrees
Sea temp: 10.5 degrees
Sea- In, flat, northerly wind  chop