Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 26 November 2014

SSF Revelation

Well, we have been guessing and surmising for months now but on the day that the Lido Champions got the go-ahead to resurrect a paddling pool, Joan and Emma unveiled the fruits of their labours.

Joan pulled back the drapes at the back of the Hut and showed us the excavation in it's entirety.  It goes back many metres into the cliff and several metres down.  Just where they put the spoil is a mystery but it might explain why we can also get out a bit better over the rocks at low tide.

A wonderful Greco-Roman confection greeted our uncomprehending gaze.  Joan has spared no expense on this.  The tiles, an exact replica of those seen in recent digs in southern Greece, the statues, Roman to a nose.  The girls were certainly not messing around here.

Joan says that her next project is a link tunnel upwards to meet the endless pool in her house further up the road.  "It's a summer project however" she said.
Tango anyone?

More prosaically, Hildi posed in her tangerine bikini to demonstrate that she can at least think warm thoughts as the alcohol in the thermometer continued to sink steadily.  Low tide meant that we trod gingerly and although the sea temp was a smidgeon into single digits, Ollie was keeping his girlish squeals under tight control.  However, that all fell apart when he hit the quicksand - honestly, you never heard such a fuss, we all expected to see his writhing hands disappearing under the briney leaving nought but a pair of well used (and seldom washed) board shorts floating in the limpid sea.

In the event, the "quicksand"  sunk about six inches and was more of a squidgy inconvenience than an life threatening experience.  Pete boldy strode out in search of deep water but was forced to return unswum after about 100m.  Together, All settled for convivial dipping and competitive backward skulling that is until Hildi & Pete managed to clash heads at full speed - honestly, what are the odds?

In all, a fun and satisfying time with plans for a refurb of the Hut to bring it in line with the wonders behind the wall.

Swimmers: Joan, Hildi, Pete, Emma, Ollie
Swim time: 10 mins
Sea temp: 9.5 degrees
Land temp: 10.5 degrees
Sea: Limpid surface, treacherous underfoot