Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Super 7 swim the big one

Firstly congratulations to Hildi, Ollie, Ruth, Lawrence, Sara, Paul and Pete - huge effort by everyone and a great acheivement. 4km in the sea is a real challenge. I have a broad smile on my face this morning as I note down the swim log. WE DID IT! Despite the south westerly wind and rain/drizzle those seven made it to the Marina to be greeted by cake and tea/coffee and a very kind Joan giving up her time to watch us home. (By the way that wasn't a choice of drink, that was the drink ;-) ) The sun wasn't quite up at Saltdean when we entered the slightly choppy and mid tide water. A slight eeryness and anxiety in the group obviously as we made it out to the start point level with the groyne. And then we were OFF! At about 6:35/6:40. The water felt patchy in places, sometimes giving us a tow and sometimes stopping us in our tracks, but this is our local water and we know this water now and what to expect having made it through the summer months - also a bonus - you could see the bottom! The first 20-30 mins to Rottingdean was, as usual, a period to warm the body up fully and get into the groove. Rottingdean came and went and we pushed on to Ovingdean. By this time some small groups had formed. Hildi, Ruth and Ollie were at the front, and then a little way back Lawrence and Sara had paired up. Behind that Paul C and then Pete. We made it past the windmill (eventually! - it felt like that was moving down the coast with us!) and then set our sights on to the Ovingdean cliffs that stuck out to the eye. Some waves were forming and it became enjoyable as we got a into the swim. I felt waves coming back off the wall hitting us from shore side, anyone else? The lead group of 3 made it past Ovingdean and on to the approach of the Marina. We had split up a bit by then but not by much at all. Lawrence had a moment where he thought he had lost Sara! And stood up to look around noticing her only a short distance away. The sea showing that it can hide swimmers very well even in smaller waves. And so to the finish, Ollie reached the Marina in 01:19:26 (new club record!) and Ruth followed shortly at 01:25:32. Hildi beached on the next beach along at 01:20:00. Then the others came in shortly afterwards. Lawrence and Sara finishing a couple of beaches down but didn't get the time, please let me know. Paul C came in next and actually touched the Marina wall in 01:58:40. Then binoculars and eyes looked for Pete and there he was making his way a little further back. We did save some cake for him which he garnished with a little seaweed after beaching a couple of beaches down after a 02:20:00 swim. Making it up the beach was a little fun on the rocks, but easier than trying to walk up a slippery groyne, images of the travelator from gladiators and sliding al the way down flashed across lawrence's and Sara's minds! After all warming up and getting changed the team felt thoroughly proud and looked back down from where we swam. The clouds had come in and the drizzle formed a mist over the shore. It had been a long swim, and one to remember. Some awards have to go out:

Ollie: 1st home
Hildi: Best cake and pacemaker
Ruth: Best crab impression over the rocks and biggest fan base
Lawrence: Best first swim with the group
Sara: Best slide down the groyne
Paul C: Best swim with a cracked rib and also the honour of being the only one to actually touch the wall!
Pete: Most heroic effort
Joan: Best support after her own swim at Saltdean and best weather predictions
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 6:30, Out 9:05.
Swimmers: 8

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Preparation for the big one

Today offered an excellent way to set ourselves up for the big swim next week. Calm waters, an early start and little fishes in the water. We aimed to swim for minimum 1 hour today by doing laps of the buoys to check we all have what it tales for the behemoth that is the marina to saltdean swim. Today went very well. Everyone settled in to a comfortable pace and after arms had warmed up by the first lap it felt lovely. Swimming clockwise it was hard going out and heading west along the back buoys, with a current pulling us along very nicely back into shore and from west to east. Coming back into shore between buoys 2 and 3 was the perfect water to really practice stretching the stroke out and working on the catch phase. Lots of speed down thisstraight. Laps covered were Ollie = 6, Hildi, Sara and Paul C=5, Pete=4 and Anita who was tapering for the wkd 2. Joan covered distances between the two nearest buoys, it looked like you were in for some time Joan, so good swimming!
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 6:51, Out 8:20.
Swimmers: ollie, hildi, Sara, Paul C, Pete, Joan, Anita

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Some sprinting around the buoys

With the anticipation of a rough swim we had resigned to swim around the buoys. But upon waking on the day we were treated to a calm morning weather wise with a terrific sunrise and no wind to really speak of. the sea offered a decent swell, but not too rough. approx 4ft waves and no real current, just a very light west to east. Sighting around the buoys was a little tough but we are really getting to know the course in all weather so no problems reported about sighting. We did anticlockwise loop with a sprint effort at the end of each leg and a 20 sec recovery and re-group at the buoy - hopefully you noticed a difference in pace, as we said it can be largely due to a harder leg kick and harder pull in the propulsion phase. Swam in groups to keep the speed work suited to ability. well done everyone, good session. Only one swimmer left wetsuit-less today - well done Joan!
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 6:59, Out 7:45.
Swimmers: 8 - Paul W, Paul C, Ollie, Sarah, Keith, Anita, Pete, Joan

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Drizzle and BodyGlide

Well, with the tide quite low we decided to register a timed swim from saltdean to Rottingdean and back, another one for the record books. this is approx a 2.5km swim and made harder as current and wind direction obviously play different roles when you turn around the buoy. Everyone felt the work to get to Rotters with quite a current to work against, and then knocked 25-50% off the time for the return leg. The water was pretty murky but flat-ish. A light drizzle made visability slightly harder with no crisp horizon to spot. I will have to get you to confirm times to me, I think Paul got the fastest around 43 mins, which is about 25 min 1500m pace in the sea. good going over this distance, it'll be on the website. Gathering on the beach we described various pros and cons of anti-chafe creams. We are all learning that the salt water, cold temp and increasing distances highlight areas prone to chaffing, and then spending the next couple of days trying to cover up what looks like a hickie! BodyGlide is an obvious choice but we decided perhaps the best option is for a cheap baby oil/gel from LIDL's! All in all, a nice swim today. Starting to feel stronger in time for the marina swim. Water temp 14-16 deg c.
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 7:01, last out 8:25.
Swimmers: 9 - Joan, Ollie, Pete, Paul W, Paul C, Ruth, Hildi, Sarah, Keith.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Clearer than the Maldives

A fantastic turnout saw thirteen make it in to the water today with 11 opting for the time trial around the buoys clockwise at Saltdean - thanks to all those who took part. A chance to set a new course record and get in the club's history books was at stake..and.....Hildi managed to take the honours with a cracking 9m45s swim - this will be tough to beat. The water was so calm and after a few days of calm waters we also enjoyed a view of the sea bed all the way round. did anyone else see the turtles and manta ray? Check out the club website in a day or two for your times and pics and also the new section on the club records. A loop back around the buoys warmed us down as I don't think anyone wanted to get out today when the sun came over the cliffs. Welcome to the new members who made up the numbers for 13.
(Written by Ollie)

Swimmers: Paul C, Paul W, Sarah, Ruth, Anita, Joan, Pete, Ollie, Richard, Carol, James, Keith, Hildi.
Time: In 7:05. Out: 7:55.

Sea Swim Fitness - the runners and riders

Limbering up on the starting grid

Look, no hands!

I thought you said there were no sharks in the English Channel

Pete completes the course

On a clear day you can see the bottom

The troopers return