Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Clearer than the Maldives

A fantastic turnout saw thirteen make it in to the water today with 11 opting for the time trial around the buoys clockwise at Saltdean - thanks to all those who took part. A chance to set a new course record and get in the club's history books was at stake..and.....Hildi managed to take the honours with a cracking 9m45s swim - this will be tough to beat. The water was so calm and after a few days of calm waters we also enjoyed a view of the sea bed all the way round. did anyone else see the turtles and manta ray? Check out the club website in a day or two for your times and pics and also the new section on the club records. A loop back around the buoys warmed us down as I don't think anyone wanted to get out today when the sun came over the cliffs. Welcome to the new members who made up the numbers for 13.
(Written by Ollie)

Swimmers: Paul C, Paul W, Sarah, Ruth, Anita, Joan, Pete, Ollie, Richard, Carol, James, Keith, Hildi.
Time: In 7:05. Out: 7:55.

Sea Swim Fitness - the runners and riders

Limbering up on the starting grid

Look, no hands!

I thought you said there were no sharks in the English Channel

Pete completes the course

On a clear day you can see the bottom

The troopers return

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