Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 26 November 2010

And then there were three

On arguably the coldest day of the year so far, three hardy SSF veterans appeared on the beach to venture into the still and welcoming blue waters of the English Channel. Air temperatures were at a bracing -1C, confirmed by the ice adorning the stones. Brave Joan was first into the water, setting an example for the rest of us. Paul and Sara followed. As it was low tide, there was a reasonable walk out to the deeper water, and whilst conditions were calm with just minimal waves, it was not possible to stay in the water for much more than 10 minutes due to the temperatures. Sara swam out, then back in, then side-to-side between the groynes, with Paul gingerly following behind. We were witnessed by a winter sun climbing deliberately from the clear horizon, Following this, we all called it a day and headed up beach to change and some conversation about contemporary art and the quality of Turner prize applicants. It took our minds away from the icicles that were forming on our noses! Water temperature: 7C.
(Written by Paul)

Time: In 7:38, Out 7:47.
Swimmers: Sara, Joan and Paul C

We're right behind you Joan, about a mile behind you in actual fact!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Birthday cake after a calm swim

After getting kitted up to go in the water (it seems to take longer and longer these days as more layers go on!) we made our way to a low tide coming in quite rapidly. easy to wade out to waist deep and a little breath taking to take the plunge into the deep blue. It is starting to make the face numb now which takes about 5-10 mins to get used to it (or just lose feeling). We swam four lengths of the beach in time to a lovely sunrise, before coming ashore. After hurriedly getting warm dry clothes on we tucked into some birthday cake - many happy returns Joan! A quick discussion took place where we agreed to up the swims to twice a week adding Friday to the morning swims. Maybe we were cold and delirious at the time. :)
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 7:40, Out 8:00.
Swimmers: Ollie, Paul C, Joan, Sara and Keith

Keith, Ollie, Sara and Joan

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Some rough seas and steel women

A shortage of iron-men today. Still, a plucky Joan and steely Sara maintained the SeaSwimFitness tradition and ventured into some extremely rough seas.
(Written by Paul)

Time: In 7:30, Out 7:45.
Swimmers: Sara and Joan

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Our first taste of the winter

The time has changed to 0730 now that Winter is heading our way as it is less likely we can stay in the water for the same length of time as previous sessions. The usual suspects arrived on Saltdean beach. Conditions good, low tide, sunny skies but a chilly north wind made its presence felt. Definitely time for wetsuits, gloves and boots, plus a couple of swim hats - except for Joan who shows the rest of us what "Iron Man" really means. Ollie, Sarah, Joan and Paul C headed out, swimming halfway to Rottingdean before returning back.
(Written by Ollie)

Time: In 7:37, Out 7:59.
Swimmers: Sara, Ollie, Joan, Paul C

Ollie, Sara and Joan

Paul, Sara and Joan

Wednesday 3 November 2010

So, Keith, how are we getting back in again ... ?

At 0700 four brave souls made their way to a trough in the shingle in the shelter of the west groyne. The wind was westerly blowing at 17mph with big swells , a strong current and one hour away from high tide. It was misty and grey as we watched the waves crash throwing up surf and shingle. Keith, Paul C and sara made their way into the surf and Sara's goggles were swiped off her face; steadied herself and returned to face the fury of the sea. Joan played it safe at the water's edge but was pulled off the shingle and into the surf a couple of times. After approx. 20 minutes Sarah made her way out followed by Keith and then Paul's face appeared in a wall of water and he crashed into the surf fighting his way out. A hot drink was had in the warm morning sunshine. All back safely.
(Written by Joan)

Time: In 7:07, Out 7:29.
Swimmers: Sara, Keith, Joan, Paul C