Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 26 November 2010

And then there were three

On arguably the coldest day of the year so far, three hardy SSF veterans appeared on the beach to venture into the still and welcoming blue waters of the English Channel. Air temperatures were at a bracing -1C, confirmed by the ice adorning the stones. Brave Joan was first into the water, setting an example for the rest of us. Paul and Sara followed. As it was low tide, there was a reasonable walk out to the deeper water, and whilst conditions were calm with just minimal waves, it was not possible to stay in the water for much more than 10 minutes due to the temperatures. Sara swam out, then back in, then side-to-side between the groynes, with Paul gingerly following behind. We were witnessed by a winter sun climbing deliberately from the clear horizon, Following this, we all called it a day and headed up beach to change and some conversation about contemporary art and the quality of Turner prize applicants. It took our minds away from the icicles that were forming on our noses! Water temperature: 7C.
(Written by Paul)

Time: In 7:38, Out 7:47.
Swimmers: Sara, Joan and Paul C

We're right behind you Joan, about a mile behind you in actual fact!

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