Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 23 September 2011

A cold morning

A cold morning and some leaderless souls made their way down the shingle to meet a rolling sea and an incoming tide.
Alex Sharon and Sara plunged into the waves and headed for the eastern buoy as a watery sun rose.
Steffan brought a friend - Helgo, who also braved the waters in Steffan style : fully clothed! 
They joined Joan on patrol duty back and forth between the groynes.
After some energetic swims, Steffan and Helgo , followed by Joan and Alex came out. 
Sara and Sharon seemed to be enjoying themselves and had an extra fling.
On landing , Sara called out, "I miss my leader."

Ollie, land crew needed.

Air temp 9C
Sea temp 16C
Time in : 0710
Time out: 0740
Swimmers : Sara Alex Sharon Steffan Helgo and Joan

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