Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 12 September 2012

SSF Sunrise Handicap Chase

Well done to all swimmers and helpers.  The Sunrise Handicap Chase was definitely in need of a sunrise as we gathered on a cold beach with packed bags harbouring goodies.
Firstly, a big thank you to Teresa for organising and both teresa and Sara for providing the prizes.
Quietly eyeing up the field, people went about their business, some opting for the 30 sec penalty from wearing a wetsuit, as we attempted the race briefing.  In the end Teresa took control and gave a route.  Leave from the start line mid-beach, out to pike, lost bouy, on to a misplaced devils elbow, back to shoulder, then turn sharp left and a trip round pike before rounding off the swim with a final kick to shore.  The time was now, handicap times expertly calculated and a starting order ably assembled by the official timekeeper Barry.
Countdown to start suddenly upon us, Emma first to go, 3, 2, 1...GO!!!!  With cheers and whooping she dashed in to the crashing waves whilst the others swung arms, jumped on the spot and tried to keep warm.  Conditions were 'excitable' perhaps favouring the brave a little.  Next off was Pete who hurtled down the beach like a march hare, with a target in Emma to chase.  With Emma already half way to pike Sara set off, the long distance water weasel, going short course for a change, no doubt the course wouldn't be long enough for her.  Another 30 seconds later, the hoff ran down the beach and got a bit whacked by a wave but soon got on his way.  The four in there keeping a nice line as Emma rounded Pike.
sharon next, 3 mins down with a spot-prize-winning gentle tip-toe across the pebbles and entry into the water.  Another 30 secs go by and ollie and Alex go off together, hitting the waters edge together.  another minute behind, Teresa would go, but I was focussed on trying to gain a slim advantage on Alex and catching the next swimmer. 
I can only do the race report from my viewpoint, but as I rounded Pike I saw some splashing up ahead.  I had gained on Sharon and as we passed the lost buoy I was alongside the wetsuitless Dave.  Looking over my shoulder Sharon and Alex were very close behind.  Reaching the far turning point at the elbow I met Pete, well into his stroke and gliding nicely.  So the group was tightly packed at the half way stage with Sara and Emma sill some distance ahead.  Sighting the shoulder was a challenge in the big waves that carried us back to shore.  Had to start lengthening the stroke as the arms were beginning to tighten.  Then Teresa went past, flew past!, on her way to a victory surely.  I went round shoulder and turned left towards pike.  Noticing emma going back to shoulder, I assumed she had taken a wrong turn (!) and was going back to avoid a DQ - good sport!  I knew teresa was ahead of me and Sara, could I catch sara?  I kicked at Pike still seeing Alex just over my shoulder.  I managed to drop him but Sara was too quick.  I saw the buoys on the beach with two swimmers sat down beside them.  The waves weren't so bad on exit and I ran up the beach to take third finisher.  turned around to watch a thrilling finale.  Alex over the line next, then Sharon came in with an ironman crawl and roll over the line stopping the watch.  Next to come in were Emma, Dave and Pete.  emma having caught Dave and expertly drafted him all the way in using the tow to finish before Pete.  What a race, with Teresa successfully defending her title, one to watch next year!
Usual afters took place, everyone tucking into cake whilst Sharon and Sara went for another swim - see I told you she would.  Lovely morning.
Official Handicap chase results (including handicap and 30 sec wetsuit penalty:
. Teresa (wetsuit): 9:47          1st Female
2. Ollie: 11:22                         1st male
3. Alex: 11:55                          2nd male
4. Sara (wetsuit): 13:10           2nd Female
5. Sharon (wetsuit): 13:49        3rd Female
6. Dave: 14:49                         3rd male
7. Pete (wetsuit): 17:24
7. Emma: 17:33
race positions (order out of the water):
1. Teresa
2. Sara
3. Ollie
4. alex
5. Sharon
6. Dave
7. Emma
8. Pete
actual time elapsed for each swim from starting gun:
1. Teresa (wetsuit): 13:47
2. Sara (wetsuit): 14:40
3. Ollie: 14:52
4. Alex: 15:25
5. Sharon (wetsuit): 16:19
6. Dave: 17:19
7. Emma: 17:33
8. Pete (wetsuit): 17:54
spot Prizes:
champion Timekeeper: Barry
Longest swim: Emma
Most entertaining entry and finshing chute: Sharon
Last man out:  Pete

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