Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 26 October 2012

Friday 26 October: in which the girls notch up some Secret Laps

Joan, Emma and Hildi plus Paul C met on a dark beach and noted a drop in air temperature. Although Pete has decreed the winter laps challenge to be a Wednesday activity, the tide and conditions were perfect to notch up a few more. Joan agreeing to verify.  I think Paul had been bribed by Pete to prevent any ladies taking an early lead, however, and he did a good job of trying to persuade us it was too chilly and we should simply enjoy the view and eat cake.

But once in it was extremely nice. Joan took a reading of 11.5 degrees and it was just the air temperature if 8 which made us cold.  Joan 4 laps, Emma 5 and a half, Hildi 8. In 7:17, out 7:48.  Winter yodas out in force.

Swimmers: Joan, Emma, Paul c, Hildi 
Over sleepers: Alex
Water temp: 11.5
Air temp: 8
Cake: lime and coconut

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Wednesday 24 October

The first of the winter widths contest.  Hildi able to be there thanks to Uncle Andrew and an INSET day at Longhill.  Pete: 6, Hildi and Emma: 4 each, Joan: 2?  Paul - not sure.  Sara?

Can't remember who was there, sorry.  I's been a long half term, even for me who's been off sick for most of it.


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Trouserflapping good! 17-10-12

The trudge through the tunnel in the morning is usually an accurate indicator of what awaits on the beach and this morning Pete was battling, fish box in tow, down the small incline against all the demons of the underworld.

Another empty beach greeted with bits of weed and the odd startled flounder whizzing past at head height.  With no Joan, Pete began what now must be done.  In order to appease the sea demons, someone has to do the penance of running widths.  Fortunately, after number two, tall and small figures morphed into Joan and Ollie who had been waiting under shelter for someone to turn up.  Numbers were shortly swelled by Stefan who when asked if he was going in protested that he was "not dressed" for it.  How can Stefan ever be "not dressed" for swimming, unless he was undressed which this morning, he most certainly wasn't. Paul arrived shortly after and  the group was completed by Sara who proceeded to natter at such length with Ollie that Pete declared that he was stripping off and going in and that he would see the others later.

The water was reached as usual now by successive widths run across the sand, each width getting into deeper water until swimming had to be achieved.  Fortunately, the tide was very low otherwise the waves would have made it impossible to get in.  Pete swam gamely for France but ended up nearer to Hastings, the current was back.  Eventually all mustered in the surf except for Ollie who was "only running" on account of a tiny insect bite on his ankle.  He felt that he didn't want to risk infection (in the sea?) Anyway, Sara, Paul, Pete & Joan swam whilst Stefan took pictures.  Situation normal.  the waves were about 1m high and low frequency which made it quite swimmable.  Sara shot off and completed 1.5 widths before Pete arrived at the far end, they then "dared" each other to do 50 strokes due south. Unfortunately, Pete ended up swimming twice as hard since Sara was counting half stokes (Or was Pete counting double strokes?).

Back to the beach and the fun of dressing under airborne yodas was entertaining to watch.

Swimmers' bike ride confirmed as Dec 9th and all looking forward to the grand opening of Joan's beach residence on the 2nd.

Swimmers:  Joan, Paul, Sara, Pete

Runners: Ollie

Lifesavers: Stefan

Water temp:  Damn - forgot

Sea: Howling Yodas

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Diving and inflatable toys

It has been awhile since my words graced these pages, and likewise my presence on Saltdean beach - good to see that the blog has continued as has the group.

A cold but calm October morning, temperatures dropping, Winter on its way. Difficult to believe that we all headed off for our Marina swim last year. I wonder if that would be possible again right now?

Joan was first on the beach, running widths - some things never change. Then myself, then Pete, Sara, Domino and Emma. Leader Ollie not present today.

We all seemed to take an age to get prepared, muttering about the cold although sea conditions were close to perfect, so not much doing in the excuse department. It was Pete who provided the theme for the day - testing his swimsafe inflatable device. Looked like an interesting type of gadget, but surely a real drag for any seasoned sea swimmer.

So, in we went, the plan being to swim as many widths as possible, which was fine by me. I completed the first two promptly with Pete following close behind. It was then I got to have a go at the SwimSafe gadget whilst Pete went off to do some diving off the groyne, maybe his last chance of the year. Anyway, the SwimSafe was a revelation to me, simple and unobtrusive and yet a real confidence boost in deep water. I must get one. Anyway, Pete happily dived from the groyne having carefully negotiated his way onto it in the face of swirling waves. The others continued to swim widths unabated and after around 30 minutes we all called it a morning.

The usual ritual of cakes and tea then off home/work/etc.

Swimmers: Pete, Paul, Joan, Sara, Emma
Time In: 7am
Time Out: 7:30am
Sea Temp: 12C
Conditions: Calm and almost perfect

Friday 5 October 2012

David says goodbye!

It was David's farewell swim this morning with myself, Sara and Joan there to serenade him. The weather, unfortunately, was some of the worst I had seen for quite some time. Heavy southerly winds provoking the sea into anger though the low tide did mean it would be possible to take a swim.

I undressed very gingerly, a big part of me wishing that I had been the only person on the beach so that I could withdraw discretely whilst telling tales of weaving between monster waves etc. (without actually having to do so). Who was going to be first in? Unusually it was me today.

The real problem was the undertow which was probably one of the strongest I had ever experienced. Really vicious, always threatening to snatch you out to sea. For that reason I stayed as close to the shore as I could, without being smashed by the breaking waves. We bobbed around for a bit, Sara and David deciding to swim a width and, for a few sickening moments, disappearing from view. I am still not sure what the health and safety procedures are?

Anyway, about 15 minutes of this and we called it a morning. Had some cake, exchanged hugs and sent David on his way to sunnier climes.

Swimmers: Joan, Sara, David and Paul
Time In: 7am
Time Out: 7:20am
Conditions: Stormy

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The birthday bash - and award definitions

well, three birthdays to note, Hildi last week, ollie this week and Pete on Saturday.  We all congratulated each other and missed sara who normally provides limericical (new word?) flavour.  What can I say, the sea was rough.  The winds and the rain the night before was the writing on the wall.  I dashed down there in the dium light to find pete in the carpark also.  We marched to the beach with the fish bucket in tow - ring ring!.  The sea had retreated and a quick check n the charts said low tide 7:45.  We had beeter get in there quick to avoid being completely marooned on a sand bank  300 metres out.  Our good intentions were dashed a little though and rightly so, we gassed for about 10 mins and got the full race report from the epic river Dart challenge, something Shackleton would no doubt have been proud of!  After discussing temperatures we all confirmed the sea has definitely turned.  Its heading downwards for sure, 16 the last time I got in, and now I'm assured much less.  Winter is creeping towrds us.  After changing and a showing of THE winter yoda, jealousy all round, we started running widths of the beach puttingoff the inevitable.  but in we went.  crashing through the rollers, and the temp not too bad.  The sea slushy, and at teh winds mercy, with huge barrel like grey clouds looming above.  the rain was coming the wind preceeded it.  You can imagine spray, large waves, lots of white water and all of us failing to sight effectivley in teh conditions.  We managed a width or two agains tthe strong current and retired to birthday treats, chocolate cookies and lemon cakes all homemade how good are we.  Joan took the official temp reading, ...13 degs.  And she assures me this is correct because she had her glasses on ;-)

So on my reckoning we are looking at approx single digits by end of October.  Its going to be a brutal winter I can feel it, I had better man up.

Official club ratings were agreed upon during changing and tea drinking:  these will be issued at the end of the year...

'Swim' - a reasonable attempt at a swim (at least 10 strokes)
'Snow' - a decent visible covering of snow or snow flakes falling whilst on the beach.

Water Wader: Paddled, spectated, waded throughout the year.

Little dipper: Swam with SSF during the year on and off. At least once.

Bronze:  Swam at least once in all twelve months of the year with wetsuit or half on half off.

Silver: Same as Bronze but all non wetsuit.

Gold: rather weather dependent, but same as Silver with at least one 'snow' swim.

Platinum: We were going to say gold but without gloves, but I think this is not really going to have legs.  My preference would be to say we will leave out the platinum, unless people want it to be the same as gold but with at least one skinny dip?  Or moonlit swim? or both?

Lifetime Services to Swimming award: well, there is only one contender for this one....

Currently we have a few gold contenders in our ranks, I need to check to see if there is a silver, there are many little dippers out there and a couple of waders...