Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Dive Dive Dive!

We're talking temperature here.

What a difference a couple of weeks makes.

Although the air temperature has been balmy, the sea is more seasonal.
Last time Pete swam, surf frolicking was the order of the day - today, the water
was smooth, inviting and COLD!

Joining up on the beach this morning were Sara, Joan, Emma and Ollie, all relishing the start of the real winter season.  Widths were on offer for those taking part in the competition.  Rules reminder, each groyne must be touched
( unless by consent it would result in extreme exfoliation).  Half widths allowed.

On entering the water, the "naked" swimmer first notices the freezing of the feet and then the delicious lick around the nether regions, followed by pain creeping into hands as fingers drag the surface of the water.
Enough of that, plunge in for a full ice cream head.

All of this is a temporary inconvenience because after a single width, a pleasant numbness sets in.  Width two sees the onset of the "rosy glow" and a nice feeling of euphoria.  Width three and you just want to stay in, which is of course when you must get out pronto!

For some, rapid changing is the order of the day and that cup of tea poured before the shakes set in.
By consent, this was a lovely swim, enhanced by the rising of a blood red sun over the water as we swam.

Finally the tradition of temperature measurement - confirmed today as 9 degrees - I guess we won't see double figures now for 4 months!

In: 7.15
Out: 7.30
Sea conditions: oily in a nice way
Temp: 9 degrees

Swimmers: Ollie, Sara, Joan, Emma, Pete

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