Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Shadows & Misplaced Buoys

This Wednesday saw possibly the largest gathering his year of Saltdean SSF.There were even shadows on the beach as we assembled and changed. It would seem that the tide has finally turned.  We listened to Sara's account of the Dorney 10k swim - really well done for that, but  it must be remembered that this is only a prelude to her Bridge-Bridge swim - 14k in all! 
Alison was making her first appearance this year after the New Year's day swim but chose to land crew and took photos with her new camera.

The tide was already low and the water still receding so we thought that we ought to get in.
Pete still favouring the security of the wetsuit until such time that his hand is once more behaving itself, the others in standard SF kit, as au naturel as the council might allow.  Stefan made a welcome appearance, he reassured us by coming out with us until we reached swimming depth.
Whilst Joan basked in the shallows, enjoying the refreshing English Channel after the awful heat of the Indian Ocean, Ollie & Pete struck out for the first buoy, soon to be joined by Hildi & Alex.  It was so good to be all out together again and all agreed that the experience had been much missed so when Ollie suggested the furthest buoy, all were up for it.

The buoys are still not right and swimming to them after the stability of the past couple of years is odd - it puts us out of kilter.  If they are not moved back soon, we shall have to rename them.  Today, we swam to the former "Pike" and thence to the "Lost Buoy"

As we returned to Pike, we heard girlish shouts from the east, reminding us that Sara & Emma had not joined us and were just "hangin'", Sara enjoying a bit of  post race relaxation and Emma tapering for the Arun.

All reassembled on the beach for cupcakes (thanks Hildi), chat and tea.  The sun had by now climbed in the sky and all agreed that at last May had truly arrived - let's make the most of the remaining three days!

Swimmers: Joan, Alex, Sara, Hildi, Emma, Ollie, Pete
Land crew: Alison
Life saving duties: Stefan
Air temp: 12 degrees
Sea temp: 10 degrees (estimate)
In: 7.10
Out 7.30
Sea: Out there!

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