Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 16 August 2013

Do the swim? run? run!

Pete should have known better.
Although the water promised to be good with plenty of it, there were rather fewer commitments to swim on the airwaves last night.

In fact only Pete suggested that he might be there and might run first.

An unsurprisingly empty beach greeted the would be swimmer and so after a few minutes sitting in his box, contemplating the seaweed and not wishing to break the cardinal SSF rule, Pete decided that a run was in order.  It turned out to be a good decision because although some favour the noise & fumes of the high road, the low road was for Pete with only the sea, gulls (and it has to be said a lot of other runners & commuters) for company.  The brisk westerly meant that there was a little chop on an otherwise calm sea so by the time the marina was reached, the sea in the lee was glassy, transparent and very inviting...he nearly did a Stefan, but resisted.

Here's hoping for more returnees from hols, work & other commitments next Wed.

Swimmers: none
Runners: Pete
Sea: inviting in the west

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