Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Birthday Odes 11-09-13

All gathered except Anita who had gone by then!
A decent sized contingent were present to see and hear Sara's birthday odes to Emma, Alex and Anita this morning.  As usual, Sara did us proud with witty, entertaining and smutty references to the three celebrants.

Formalities aside, we plunged in  and made the most of the lovely flat water and well positioned buoys.  Anita, Alex, Ollie, Hildi & Pete choosing circuits (well, Pete managed one) whilst Emma & Sara splashed and gossiped.  Joan already boot camped and swum, bidding her farewells.

The occasion was finished with ginger cake offered by both Emma & Alex.  Unusually since there was cake on offer, Stefan was nowhere to be seen!

Swimmers:  Anita, Hildi, Emma, Sara, Ollie, Alex, Joan (earlier) and Pete
Air temp: 17 degrees
Sea temp: 15 degrees
Sea: Make the most


  1. i'm sure i was swimming too...

    1. Yep - that's senior moment #3 today.

      Apologies - suitably amended.
