Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 20 November 2013

My eyes, My eyes!

Pete & Ollie went for a run this morning - separately, missing each other in the car park by seconds, Pete must be running better than he thought since Ollie failed to catch him.  5km later and nicely warmed up in spite of the cutting westerly, Pete joined Emma and an apologetic Ollie on the beach.
Both appeared to be looking for the sea - it was a way out and quite boisterous.

Emma and Ollie seemed to be in no hurry to start, explained no doubt by the fact that both had forgotten not only boots but gloves as well.  Pete felt doubly smug as he donned his neoprene bonnet. probably now a fixture until spring. Trying to look cool is not an option at these temperatures. Wading to deeper water was torture for the feet even inside socks. This week Emma vied with Ollie in the squealing-like-a-girl stakes.  Ollie still wins.

The sea was playful negating anything but splashing but all made in Paul C's words " a serious attempt at swimming".  Pete's goggles steamed up and so tried face down in the water without them....and discovered a brand new level of pain.  Won't do that again!

The sea and air were both steady at 8 degrees and the trio were undecided which was preferable.  Water just won but only because with most of the body under, you couldn't feel the biting wind.

Discussion on the beach about possible New year's Day frolicks - the consensus was an SSF "Dip & Dash".  Our version of an aquathlon. Details to be ironed out.

The shakes returned properly today with Pete distributing tea evenly over his hands and yoda.  Still, first sub 10 of the season, it can only start to feel better after this, can't it?

Swimmers: Ollie, Emma, Pete
In: 7:18
Out: 7:28
Air temp: 8 degrees
Sea temp: 8 degrees
Sea: Playful

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