Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 27 September 2014

Mullet Recce

Ran the route today at low tide.
Tables say low at 07:44 but it was still going out an hour later.
So, working on the principle that the same is replicated at high tide, it looks like swimming around 09:50 but we might want to get there a little earlier.

No underwater problems really, it seemed very clear except for one section with a fence on the eastern bank which goes down into the water, there are posts either side for about 50m.  Posts to the north only about 40cm above the mud, posts to the south are about 1m high, slanting east (out of the river).  The position of these are easily found so no problem.

The river spills out over a shingle bank.  This is the only area where things may be unpredictable.
If we come ashore on the eastern side, it is gently shelving so easy to get out before it gets interesting.
Pretty much all the way along, you can easily get out on the western bank.  There is one outflow from a ditch.  I don't anticipate that with the flow of water and lack of rain, there should be any problems.

We do need someone to walk the path and pull the trailer with our stuff.

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