Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 31 July 2010

Big breakers

Ruth, Paul and I managed a slightly savage swim in the mist on Saturday morning from Saltdean to Rottingdean that took over 1hr 20 mins (!) from beach to beach. Lots of choppy waves, rain and current to swim against.  It was quite good fun actually - I could have taken my surfboard out there with the size of some of those breakers. But more sadly, I have to say the tea and cake got rained off :-( Well done Paul and Ruth for coming down to swim, we were the ONLY ones in the carpark/on the beach/in the water/at Rottingdean apart from one older lady on a bmx asking where did I get my shoes! Its great living here...

Swimmers: Ollie, Ruth and Paul
Time: In 10:00, out 11:20.

(written by Ollie)

Wednesday 28 July 2010

All at sea

Low tide, water approx 18deg c. very calm - minimal current. Sunny, conditions very good. Swam to the furthest left-hand buoy and then to the right, back and forth. Most sof us  completed 3-4 repetitions, approximately 600m-800m.

Time: In 7:10, out 7:50.
Swimmers: John, James, Pete, Paul, Russell, Ricardo, Hildi and her two little 'uns

(written by Paul)

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Having a lay in helps you swim faster

High tide, water approx 18deg c. 3 foot swell that reduced on way back - minimal current.  Swam from Saltdean - Rottingdean - Saltdean approx 2.5- 3km (depending on the wiggly line!!). Ollie, Hildi & Anita went all the way, Pete, Ruth and Paul exited at Rottingdean or just after.  Ollie and Hildi experienced a visit from a seagull (- anyone else?) that checked us out on the way to Rottingdean.
Time: In 6:54, out 7:53
Swimmers: Ollie, Hildi, Ruth, Pete, Anita, Paul

(written by Ollie)

Wednesday 14 July 2010

The lowest of low tides

Low tide, some surface chop, water temperature consistent for time of year. Once we had made our way across the rocks, we opted to swim to the furthest right-hand buoy. It was not practical to swim circuits due to the low-tide, so from there we swam to the furthest left-hand buoy and back, repeating six times (12 lengths in total). There was a tangible, current running west to east. Conditions, initially good although the wind did pick up towards the end and the surface chop turned to waves. Pete headed in first after 8 lengths, Anita and Mark completed 12 with Paul following behind. Total distance approx 1300m.

Time: In 07:10, out 08:00.
Swimmers: Pete, Anita, Paul and guest Channel Swimmer Mark Blewitt (website on links page).

(written by Paul)

Wednesday 7 July 2010

First trip to Rotters

High tide, 4-5 foot waves, surface chop from wind. Waves breaking medium strength on beach. Water temp - approx 18 deg c. Swam out beyond western groyne on Saltdean beach, then turned right towards Rottingdean as planned.  Group quickly dispersed and it was quite difficult to keep track of each others whereabouts due to up and down of waves. After 400m Russell and Ricardo beached west of Saltdean. Pete and Ollie swam to the corner beach at 1000m. Anita and Paul swam together to the beach at Rottingdean at 1500m.

Time: In 07:10, out 07:55.
Swimmers: Pete, Anita, Russell, Ricardo, Paul C and Ollie

(written by Ollie)

Pete, Anita, Russell, Ricardo and Paul

Ollie and Pete complete their swim

Anita, Paul and Pete