Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 14 July 2010

The lowest of low tides

Low tide, some surface chop, water temperature consistent for time of year. Once we had made our way across the rocks, we opted to swim to the furthest right-hand buoy. It was not practical to swim circuits due to the low-tide, so from there we swam to the furthest left-hand buoy and back, repeating six times (12 lengths in total). There was a tangible, current running west to east. Conditions, initially good although the wind did pick up towards the end and the surface chop turned to waves. Pete headed in first after 8 lengths, Anita and Mark completed 12 with Paul following behind. Total distance approx 1300m.

Time: In 07:10, out 08:00.
Swimmers: Pete, Anita, Paul and guest Channel Swimmer Mark Blewitt (website on links page).

(written by Paul)

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