Established 2010

Established 2010

Monday 23 April 2012

Sunday morning hijinks

Four of us met up on Saltdean beach for a less usual Sunday swim. A little difficult to know what the sea had in store for us, the wind was getting up and the tide, whilst out, was coming in quickly. Being Sunday we were not all in the usual hurry so could afford to take our time, so once changed we headed off to the far side of the beach where a father and his young daughter were standing, obviously come to watch the Sunday morning crazies do their stuff.

Pete was first in followed by Alex, Paul and finally Hildi. One of those mornings where it was difficult to get into the water, particularly as the incoming waves were always threatening to overwhelm us, and still being sub-10 degrees the task was made ever more difficult. Eventually we all congregated a short way out where the waves were less imposing.

Hildi suggested widths so we all set off towards the west groyne although were quickly greeted by a current that made progress difficult. Alex and Hildi headed out futher, Pete was nearer the shore and I swam through the middle. Hildi and Alex completed the width first followed by myself and Pete. The trip back to the east groyne was incredibly quick, a clear indication of just how strong the tide was. Again, we all met up as a group and bobbed around in the swell. Another couple of widths and we would be done.

On this third width I did begin to get a little concerned with the conditions, the current was getting very strong and the swell was growing in size. I am always mindful of being dragged too close to the groynes, and coupled with the rolling sea I was beginning to feel we should head in a little. But Hildi and Alex decided to go out yet further and beckoned for me to follow them. And this I did do. Pete had the correct idea and stayed nearer to the shore. We headed back to the east side once again, very easy to do, just having to avoid over-shooting the finish line.

At this time we had all been in the water for about 20 minutes, which was long enough, so time to head back in. Much more difficult to do, the tide had come in considerably and the wind was increasing the size of the waves. But the four of us did get back to the shore and completed another swim.

Swimmers: Paul, Hildi, Pete and Alex
Time In: 8:40
Time Out: 9:05
Sea Temp: 9.5

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