Established 2010

Established 2010

Thursday 26 April 2012

You really going in Joan?

What a morning! Wind and rain and Spring strangely absent. Just the four of us today, don't really blame the others. We all stood around talking about marathons and the cake after the swim, but strangely no mention of the conditions. By the way the other three were standing, I had the idea they had all been out for their swim with no need for me to do my duty. I queried this with Joan, but realised I had been mistaken. The others were in fact mostly undressed but holding their coats around them waiting for the signal to get going. So off we went, Chairman Ollie leading the charge and sounding the war cry. The rain was lashing down, stinging against my body as I headed down the steps. There must have been people watching, cars driving by, buses full of passengers (sorry customers), whatever would they think of this tomfoolery? I would never know. The sea really looked foreboding, the only positive was that the tide was mostly out so it would be less of a problem. One of those mornings where you really just want to get into the water and the shoulders under, on the basis that it would mean getting out of the wind. A bit like getting into a hot bath on a cold day in winter, except less heat involved. We all tried hard to swim, Pete perhaps making the best serious attempt. Impossible to really do widths, although we all tried as best we could. After about 10 minutes of this we all got out and headed up to the promenade where we were a little more sheltered from the rain. Marathon runners showed off their medals and next year the whole Winter SSF chapter will be entering the Brighton Marathon. Another swim completed, SSF marches on.

Swimmers: Pete, Ollie, Joan and Paul
Time In: 7:12
Time Out: 7:25
Conditions: Strong 30mph wind, heavy rain. Temperatures still a little cold.
Sea Temp: 9-10C

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