Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 16 May 2012

In which Emma well and truly earns her waterwings

We were promised not just one new member today, but TWO!  Emma, in training for the British Gas open water swim, plus Andy, embarking on a career as a proper triathlete (next step might be to get a bike, Andy?!).  Bit of a mix up over pre-swim run invites and Hildi resting the running muscles after a 2 hour stint on the treadmill yesterday ('Is that all?' she was asked by some masochist), but both new kids present and correct at 7am on the beach.  Veteran Joan ready to supervise Emma's shallow water work, Ollie with coach's hat on to examine Andy's stroke and Hildi, well, what could she do?  In the absence of Alex (work placement), Pete (correctly taking a rest after a 3km swim last night) and Paul (where was Paul?) SOMEONE had to keep company with the buoys (see, I can even spell it now) so she swam out to the first west buoy and then back to join in the enjoyment of the water and the stroke development.

Hildi and Ollie a couple of laps of the widths while the others dressed and started on the flapjacks, and suddenly someone was on the beach waving at us.  It was Paul, come to say hello after an all-nighter at work.  Lovely to see him and good to see him relaxed with no swimming pressure. But the big news - for some reason I didn't follow, Emma needed her wetsuit at lunchtime.  So, what did she do?  Went in without it!  From anxious novice to 'naked' wild swimmer in 1 week!  I don't think this has been beaten by any SSF swimmer.  We may have to instigate a new award.  Will discuss at next committee meeting.

Swimmers: Hildi, Ollie, Joan, Emma (all non-wetsuited), Andy (suited)
Water temperature: 9.5 degrees (still cold for time of year)
Conditions: Gentle swell, high tide, sunny.  Lovely morning, one of those that makes you feel good to be alive.

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