Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Writing this a long time after I intended to, it is going to be tainted by subsequent events.

The sort of sea that looks flattish but we now know isn't going to be.  The lost buoy had re positioned itself into the centre so there was a proposal for a PB attempt of a circuit of the buoys but Ollie suggested some alternate speed/easy sections between the buoys, 'Use what you've got', he said - or, as Hildi called it, 'Swimmer's fartlek'.

Ollie, Alex and Sarah all in - Hildi taking longer as been wimping out in warmer climes - but it was 17.5 or 18 degrees so not cold.  Out to the buoys for the speed work and practice with waves.  Then we spotted Mr Chapman (really sorry but his name has escaped me) getting in in his wetsuit so we headed in for some widths and to support/coach him.  Joan on an appreciated life guard duty.

Lots of fun really and about 45 mins swimming.

While I was swimming, I was thinking - why did we all come in to be with Andy (that's it - knew I'd remember!)?  Because sea swimmers, and to a certain extent, triathletes, know we rely on each other.  Later that morning - while I was still draining sea water out of my ears and before I'd got properly dressed - I got the call every spouse of a cyclist dreads - my husband had been hit by a car.

Horrible day but he's going to be OK eventually and everyone has rallied round.  Those times when you help someone else out by staying with them in the rough water, or you do their wetsuit up, or you lifeguard for them or you show them a new bike route, all those things, all those times you are a friend - they come back to you.


Jon Mitchell we love you

All of us at Sea Swim Fitness are/were very sad to hear that Jon Mitchell was involved in a bike accident this week where he was in a collision with a car on the university campus.  We send him our love and well wishes for a good recovery, and also wish those close to him in the supporting role all our best.

we love you guys, stay strong.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Your average swim

Rather an average swim today, perhaps most interestingly is tha tI have written a blog, following a rather long absence from the pen.  I arrived at the beach having met new-comer Andy at the tunnel.  We saw Joan and Sara jogging up the beach making it look all too easy.  After intros were done with andy we prepared for a gentle swim , Sara in warm down mode from the  Brownsea island adventure, Andy trying out his open water stroke and ollie feeling rather tired.  Joan guarded the shallows ably.  A trip round the buoys the captain's way, rather than the devils, with a couple of other widths thrown in.  Nothing too taxing or stressful.  finishing up at the starter buoy we met Stefan out for his walk, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was belly button deep.  but there we are, all of us rather a mad bunch doing our thing, and doing it well it has to be said.  finished up with sweet tart on the beach that had a crunchy bottom.  Well it was funny at the time. ;-)
see you soon folks!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

In which Hildi finds her mojo

Wed August 8th. Lovely April weather again. Luckily the sea temperature is starting to be summery and in fact felt very warm to Hildi, just returned from Swimtrek in the Lake District. She and Paul both donned their 'yellow group' hats in solidarity (Paul having done a Swimtrek trip last year).

Gathering under the shelter of the cafe, the usual suspects plus Domino (needing some cold water on his legs after allegedly beating Paul W at the TT last night - he's going to have to grow some new sideburns, you know), and missing Pete.

Joan and Paul C stuck to widths while the others opted for a couple of devil's laps and, I believe, what us known as the devil's horseshoe. Hildi asked for a head start but in the end didn't need it, and it was a companionable swim stopping only every other buoy for a chat.

Hildi forgot the banana muffins she'd made but waxed lyrical about the joys of hot ribena and there was some exchange of garden produce.

Swimmers: Hildi, Sara, Joan, Paul, Ollie, Alex
Paddlers: Domino
Conditions: drizzly and misty.  Needed fog lights in the sea. Highish tide on way out. Just a little bit bouncy. Warm.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Olympic Swimming

All the talk on arrival at the beach this morning was of the Olympics: Phelps' record-breaking 19 Olympic medals, Chad Le Clos' miraculous 200 fly finish, and Polly's forthcoming trip to the 800FS finals on Friday (thanks to a very kind friend).  Getting into the water to do our thing seemed a bit pathetic but as always, our enthusiasm and love of the sea and of being together soon washed those thoughts away.  A bit more bumpy than of late, giving Cat, one of our less experienced swimmers (and birthday girl), a few problems with sighting, but enlivening Hildi, Alex and Sarah, who just love a sea swim where "you know you're in the sea".

Hildi, Alex, Sarah and Ollie did a couple of laps of the buoys - noting that Pete, doing his own thing as usual, has misnamed the 'devil's' buoys - being as 'The Devil's Way' is an anti-clockwise lap and often difficult thanks to Pike's location on some shallower rocks.  Perhaps they should be re-named the Angels?  Certainly the IEB AKA The Devil's Shoulder, seems like Joan's Guardian Angel to me.

Cat completed a bit more than a lap and Paul C and Joan also did some swimming.  All reconvened for Cat's cake and a bit more chat, and then off to work except those who are on holiday.

Time of swim seems to have settled at about 6.50 for those who wish to join in the fun on Friday.

Swimmers: Hildi, Alex, Ollie, Sarah, Paul, Joan, Cat, plus Judy spotted and hailed on a solo swim
Time in: 6.55-7
Last out: 7.30
Conditions: some sun in evidence, a little bumpy.  Warmish.