Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Your average swim

Rather an average swim today, perhaps most interestingly is tha tI have written a blog, following a rather long absence from the pen.  I arrived at the beach having met new-comer Andy at the tunnel.  We saw Joan and Sara jogging up the beach making it look all too easy.  After intros were done with andy we prepared for a gentle swim , Sara in warm down mode from the  Brownsea island adventure, Andy trying out his open water stroke and ollie feeling rather tired.  Joan guarded the shallows ably.  A trip round the buoys the captain's way, rather than the devils, with a couple of other widths thrown in.  Nothing too taxing or stressful.  finishing up at the starter buoy we met Stefan out for his walk, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was belly button deep.  but there we are, all of us rather a mad bunch doing our thing, and doing it well it has to be said.  finished up with sweet tart on the beach that had a crunchy bottom.  Well it was funny at the time. ;-)
see you soon folks!

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