Established 2010

Established 2010

Monday 29 July 2013

Get orf my land!

Ok that's how it looked this morning when our visit coincided with a massive 0.1m of water at Newhaven.

Instead of bobbing up and down on the water, the seagulls were strolling around like proprietorial farmers inspecting their crops of newly uncovered sealife.

Pete and Hildi were soon joined by Ollie, Alex, Stefan & Joan but our early morning reverie was rudely interrupted by squeals and laughter from wetsuited imposters 100m out and up to their ankles in the briney.  The imposters turned out to be Anita and Lara having a post boot camp wind down.  After several aborted attempts at swimming, they settled for scraping bellies on the rocks and nattering.  They waited for us to join them and we had a further few minutes of natter before we agreed that there might be just enough water to squeeze over the rocks.  Alex was straight out followed by Pete practising his "high elbow" technique.  Ollie however, decided to invent a new stroke in honour of the occasion.  It started with a kick and ended with sort of limp-wristed breast stroking hands - the most popular name seemed to be the "breast crawl".

Anyway, the group swam out level with Devil's Claw but on Joan's beach side.  All then swam towards the Claw and hence to the Lost Buoy.  The current was strong and Pete as usual made a meal of it. When he arrived, the rest were already being drifted back towards him.  At this point Hildi declared that All should make back for the Claw, Ollie pointed out that Pete hadn't had a rest but Hildi simply commented that "he should have swam faster" - she's a hard woman.

Once the beach had been regained, everyone disappeared quickly, Pete realising that yes he was starting the first day of the summer holidays but some poor buggers still had to work!

Swimmers: Ollie, Alex, Hildi, Pete
Life saving: Stefan (disappointed again!)
Beach crew: Joan
Squealers: Lara & Anita

Sea temp - 14 degrees
Air temp -   Actually felt a bit chilly
Sea - What sea?

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Guess Who's Back?

Its me!!!

A lovely lovely morning.  two lovely's worth.
Went for a run at about 6:30 headed down to ovingdean and puffed and huffed back up the hill over to rottingdean just to see Hildi and Pete disappearing into the tunnel.  i quickly grabbed my bag and dashed after them.
i emerged from the tunnel to see swimmers already out there - i must be off some inner circle communication list I thought, due to my prolonged absence, but no, we had some early starters, fear not ollie.
i learned Anita was out there and a couple of new faces, lovely to see.  I was joined on the beach by Pete, Hildi, emma, Paul with new bike, Chrissy (not sure if spelt right) and Stefan.  joan a little later.
We donned the gear whilst two ladies came out - sorry I didn't catch your names! -  and then we hit the water, Anita just exiting we said our hello's goodbyes - sorry I didn't catch the other lady with anita - was that Lara?
Off we went clockwise round the buoys, enjoying a perfect view of the seabed and loosened up towardes the first buoy.  From there we went on to complete two laps, hildi with her new diagnosis of hayfever went on not wanting to hang about and continued round.  Safely back on beach we all agreed Chrissy had picked the perfect conditions for her first swim before heading off to release tea to the masses.

i left shortly after with hildi still lapping, up to 4 at that point I think, and Pete patiently waiting for hte run to start.  well done everyone, it was fantastic to see so many faces out there this morning and its wonderful to be back.

mumours of a marina swim in september and also the Saltman for which I have no choice but to enter, I'm told. bring it on.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Starfish memories

Slightly odd collection this morning with all the regulars unable to make it except Pete (who now classes himself as a regular once more).  He arrived to find a wetsuited pair already wading into the sea.  Pete was to join Anita and Lara this morning.  Lara had just finished a bootcamp session and Anita had just missed one but wanted a quick dip before work.  Even though Pete stripped off and sprinted into the sea, the others had already swum out to the "Claw" and were well on the way to the Lost Buoy.  They were very patient however and waited for Pete to join them.

This was a lowish tide and the inner buoys were floating in about 2m of clear water.  Clear enough to see the army of starfish assembled beneath.  They seemed to be intent on something but even after diving down to observe closely, their intentions could not be uncovered. Perhaps they were off to occupy the Lido until Joan's wise plans were listened to and acted upon, who knows but they looked pretty determined.

Anyway, Pete thanked his stars that Anita was in a hurry to get to work since the pace required to reduce the waiting time of the speedy pair to a manageable minute or so at each buoy was taking it's toll.  Those are fast girls!

Swimmers:  Lara, Anita, Pete
In: 6.50
Out 7.10
Sea temp: 14 degrees
Air temp: est 12 degrees with a fair wind chill
Sea:   Clear with no discernable current, tiny waves

Competent and Stupid

Weds 3rd July  dawned and a strong north-easterly was blowing. It was warm enough and a good sized group assembled on the shore.

As well as Joan, Hildi, Sara, Emma and Pete, newly qualified lifeguard Stefan was doing fully clothed duty this morning.

It's strange that the waves when seen through the tunnel don't seem so bad but up close and personal, every one seems to have your name etched on it - and not in a good way.

With this in mind, Joan and Emma played safe and decided that to venture out would be plain foolhardy.
Hildi, changed and charged down to the foam, got sufficiently wet to justify the use of the yoda then thought better of a full inundation.  Meanwhile, Pete waited patiently for a calm moment and plunged in.  Closely followed by wetsuited Sara who in her customary manner, shot out straight for Pike which this morning was some way out.

Pete busied himself with a width and lungfuls of brine and waited for Sara's return although it was impossible to see her such were the waves, he decided that it was actually easier to watch the reactions of those on shore - no panic indicated that all was well.  Pete needn't have worried since she soon came back, cleaving the surf with a determined stroke.  Sara, touched ground first with Pete deciding that a bit of frolicking was in order before being spat out on to the beach as shown in Hildi's picture.

All in all, a nice bit of rough and tumble and a welcome return for Pete to full time swimming again.

Watchers: Joan, Emma,
Half wet: Hildi, Stefan
Swimmer: Sara, Pete

Sea temp: 14 degrees
Air temp:  14 degrees
Sea:    OooEr Mussis