Instead of bobbing up and down on the water, the seagulls were strolling around like proprietorial farmers inspecting their crops of newly uncovered sealife.
Pete and Hildi were soon joined by Ollie, Alex, Stefan & Joan but our early morning reverie was rudely interrupted by squeals and laughter from wetsuited imposters 100m out and up to their ankles in the briney. The imposters turned out to be Anita and Lara having a post boot camp wind down. After several aborted attempts at swimming, they settled for scraping bellies on the rocks and nattering. They waited for us to join them and we had a further few minutes of natter before we agreed that there might be just enough water to squeeze over the rocks. Alex was straight out followed by Pete practising his "high elbow" technique. Ollie however, decided to invent a new stroke in honour of the occasion. It started with a kick and ended with sort of limp-wristed breast stroking hands - the most popular name seemed to be the "breast crawl".
Once the beach had been regained, everyone disappeared quickly, Pete realising that yes he was starting the first day of the summer holidays but some poor buggers still had to work!
Swimmers: Ollie, Alex, Hildi, Pete
Life saving: Stefan (disappointed again!)
Beach crew: Joan
Squealers: Lara & Anita
Sea temp - 14 degrees
Air temp - Actually felt a bit chilly
Sea - What sea?