Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Competent and Stupid

Weds 3rd July  dawned and a strong north-easterly was blowing. It was warm enough and a good sized group assembled on the shore.

As well as Joan, Hildi, Sara, Emma and Pete, newly qualified lifeguard Stefan was doing fully clothed duty this morning.

It's strange that the waves when seen through the tunnel don't seem so bad but up close and personal, every one seems to have your name etched on it - and not in a good way.

With this in mind, Joan and Emma played safe and decided that to venture out would be plain foolhardy.
Hildi, changed and charged down to the foam, got sufficiently wet to justify the use of the yoda then thought better of a full inundation.  Meanwhile, Pete waited patiently for a calm moment and plunged in.  Closely followed by wetsuited Sara who in her customary manner, shot out straight for Pike which this morning was some way out.

Pete busied himself with a width and lungfuls of brine and waited for Sara's return although it was impossible to see her such were the waves, he decided that it was actually easier to watch the reactions of those on shore - no panic indicated that all was well.  Pete needn't have worried since she soon came back, cleaving the surf with a determined stroke.  Sara, touched ground first with Pete deciding that a bit of frolicking was in order before being spat out on to the beach as shown in Hildi's picture.

All in all, a nice bit of rough and tumble and a welcome return for Pete to full time swimming again.

Watchers: Joan, Emma,
Half wet: Hildi, Stefan
Swimmer: Sara, Pete

Sea temp: 14 degrees
Air temp:  14 degrees
Sea:    OooEr Mussis

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