Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Shake of Arabee?

Wonderful, warm, exotic Arabia as seen from the Sinai peninsula.

This is what Pete saw as he plunged into the aquamarine waters of the half full tub this morning.

Such visions are good, as is exclaiming to one'self "actually this is rather better than I was anticipating" and, "Oh, I can still breathe".  Thoughts rapidly turn to the banal however- "BLOODY HELL", " who turned on the cold tap?" and suchlike.

Just the Gang of Four this morning, free to impose whatever cultural restrictions were deemed necessary - the first stricture to be laid down for future forays being the banning of non-Yoda bearing participants for the duration of the winter season.  The sight of a towel flapping around numbing legs deemed by a vote of 3:1 to be too depressing.

If Hildi, Alex, Ollie and Pete were present, they were missing their Mao in the form of Joan and stalwart party apparatchik Emma.

Back to the Saltdean of the present.  The sea was beautiful, calm, colour as described and COLD.

Widths were completed - Ollie back to normal squealing mode and dives were made off the groyne.
Around 15 minutes for all but Pete who went for the full the 20, extra time needed to match Hildi's widths.

The rosy glow had been forgotten about - it came and went and on the beach, fingers were starting to twitch and words stumbled over - the first shakes of the season had begun.  Hildi needed help in opening the packet of dried pineapple she had bought in lieu of cake(that kitchen can't be finished soon enough) and all agreed that the brutality of winter was not far off.

Swimmers: Hildi, Alex, Ollie, Pete
Earlybird: Joan
Air temp: 10 degrees
Sea temp: approx 12 degrees
Sea: - squint and you can see a felucca on the horizon - aquamarine is the word of the day

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