Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Winter drawers on

Saltdean's own Wailing Wall
A post Saltman gathering this morning.  Pete arrived to find Emma & Joan on the beach.  Emma post virus making a tentative outing, Joan post bootcamp - already chilling in the wait for the others.
Alex, Hildi and Ollie arrived and Anita made up the group.  Bootcamp is starting to fracture the timing somewhat, we must decide to make efforts to arrive earlier to accommodate those physical jerks (no offence Joan!), at least that is until it's too dark and that's just a matter of weeks away.

Anyway, the sea was playful but not excessively so and all jumped in and did various things from widths to splash & gossip.  The sea is still fine in terms of temperature and past experience tells us that it should be like this for a few weeks yet - just wait until November arrives snapping at our toes.
With even worse timing, Emma's Richard arrived as we were drying off.  Child duties holding him back but he went gamely straight in and proceeded to impress with what has developed into a nice open water style.  Pete noted enviously.

Back on shore, it was time for cakes, pressies & cards for the birthdays being celebrated.  Alas nothing from the Mitchell kitchen until the building work is complete "unless you wanted a cake tasting of dust" was Hildi's ripost.  We all look forward to the wonderful offerings which must emanate from a purpose built Mitchell bakehouse.  Congratulations to Alex who is now a qualified physiotherapist!

Pete is taking a break from the blog on account of his first foray into the murky underworld of the tattoo artist.  Hopefully nothing too exciting will occur next week.
Richard ploughs a lonely furrow

Swimmers: ANITA, Hildi, Alex, Ollie, Joan, Emma, Pete & Richard
In: 7.15
Out: 7.30
Air temp - approx 12 degrees
Sea temp: approx 14 degrees  (really need that thermometer!)
Sea: Mid-tide and churney but not enough gumption to spit you out.

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