Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 3 December 2010

Mind over matter

Thick snow on the stones, bitterly cold air temperature and much soul-searching as whether getting into the sea was a good idea. I arrived on my bike, impossible to drive in these conditions. Joan was waiting on the beach for an accomplice. I duly obliged, but decided it was far too cold to even take my coat off, let alone venture into the wet stuff. Joan had no such inhibitions, and true to form just headed in. I winced, paced around the beach, hoping some sensation would return to my fingers and toes, waiting for Joan to finish her swim. Feeling somewhat cowardly, I decided to go in after all. Actually the sea  temperature was a lot warmer than the air, the effect was a bit like getting into a hot bath in a cold bathroom. Nice whilst you are in there, bit getting out is unpleasant. After a few minutes I decided to call it a day, honour had been preserved, no need for martyrdom. Joan was on hand to supply mince pies, it certainly helped. We trekked back through the snow, following our earlier footprints. This will take some beating.

Time: In 7:42, Out 7:49.
Swimmers: Joan and Paul C

(written by Paul)

The snow arrives - about 2 months too early !

The Steel Woman event

Joan in the sea ...

... Joan still in the sea

 Paul looking for a reason - any reason - not to go in

Sea Swim Fitness is 6 months old - and I am still here !

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