Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 26 August 2011

"I like to wrap my feet in these chains" - Pete Barnes

today was very still on the water.  Seeing all four buoys easily on flat water meant a good opportunity to try somthing a little different...keep the customers guessing!  - And only one day after the news of Paul making his way across the gulf of Corryvreckan, we felt that laps of the buoys would just not be enough.  so, after pondering it for a minute or two, and rather lacking in inspriation i suddenly plumped for the "Figure of eight".  To my surprise and delight it met with noises of oooh.  A small change seemed to excite the few that joined us on the beach.   Pete, Dave, Sara and ollie headed out to the first buoy whilst Joan enjoyed the shallower shores.
After confusing each other about how a figure of eight would and should look, we started at the West Buoy, decided to head diagonally out to sea to the outer East buoy, turn right and head West to other outer buoy before heading in land diagonally and then across the shore to the starter buoy.  We stopped briefly at the half way point to make sure no one got lost!!  Which is still a definite possibility for us, (especially with Pete internal sat nave still taking him towards the french coast).  Stefan who was sat on the beach was missed for his role in passport control.

Upon completing the figure of eight, pete nestled in close to the buoy uttering the words in the title.  He then said he enjoyed sticking his big toe in the chain links.  Well, each to their own, and if you see Pete lagging behind on a lap of the buoys, its probably because he likes to pause at each one, dip his toe in like plugging your phone in to charge, befor esetting off again. :)

then, I think the cold was getting to us as we suggested doing a "Devil's Horshoe". An approriate tag for anti-clockwise round the the three outer sides of the square of buoys.  this led to various shouts of suggestions of other course names to help identify them to the wider group.  Watch out for these!

Coming back in Ollie was joined by nephew Lucas and tracy to have a last dip before he headed back north to the comforts of his swimming pool!  We made it out beyond the end of the groynes and back (without a suit)

Swimmers: Pete, Joan, Sara, Dave, Ollie, Lucas, Tracy
non swimmers: Stefan

in 7:05
out 7:55

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