Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 17 August 2011

The stalwart returns

Joan taking a rare day off today.

Not sure quite where the Summer has gone. Temperatures a little bit sluggish, as were the SSF swimmers who rolled out of bed to partake in an ea:rly morning swim. Actually, the sea did look quite inviting, tide going out, mostly flat, choice of routes.

Today saw the welcome return of one-time stalwart Keith, who decided it was high time he rejoined the group that had made him a great sea swimmer in 2010. Despite meeting up at 6:50, we still didn't make it into the water until 7:15 - so much to say!

Off out to the first buoy, although could still safely stand on the bottom. Then off to the second buoy, I could still stand although the ladies could not. At which point the group split into two. Keith and Ollie decided to swim circuits, the rest of us chose to re-explore new frontiers, first heading out to the further buoy, then east towards the outer limits which was about 200m away.

We swam in formation on the way there, with Sharon out front, Sara tucked in behind and myself and Dave left and right. The low sun made it difficult to actually see where we were headed although Sharon seemed to know where she was going. The two cranes in the background also provided a sighting point.

The way back was a bit more difficult as we were against the tide. This seemed to take Sharon out to France, and believing that she knew the way, we all dutifully followed her. Well, somehow we made it back, regrouped, then headed towards the far buoy on the other side of the square. Again, another good swim was required. Then back to the buoy from where we started and then in.

Maybe 1 to 1.5Km in distance, a good workout to start the day. Could so with a few more people, it is August after all !

Time In: 7:11
Time Out: 7:41
Water Temp: 17C
Air Temp: 18C
Swimmers: Keith, Ollie, Dave, Sara, Sharon, Paul

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