Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 24 August 2011

I love the sound of rain on the swim hat

A lumpy sea, with some big old waves met us this morning.  Moments of completely losing sight of the buoys meant we had to rely on our sighting landmarks.  Yes, for us thats cranes that move, Southern water still not falling into line and working to our schedule at Peachaven....tut tut.

but we soldiered on.  Having left newcomer Andy on the beach (who ppopped by to say hello, jolly nice of him) we ventured out.  timing the entry to perfection, almost, through the surf. At the east buoy we congregated.  We were aiming to do two laps anti-clockwise with a timed effort on the second length (back straight) of each lap.  Point of this was to keep pacing at race speed.  The waves proved it difficult, so a standard error of 15 secs was granted, and those with watches managed to come in very consistently - nice work!

after two laps of these sloppy and rainy conditions, (I love the sound of rain on the swim hat!) ollie stayed out doing another half lap whilst the others went in.  Ollie later joined by tracy and newest recruit - Lucas - aged 10 (ollies nephew).  Holidaying down here he had the courage to jump in and play on the waves without a suit.  Not really suitable conditions for him to swim but he gave it a good go.

swimmers: Lucas, Tracy, Ollie, Teresa, Sharon, Sara, Pete, Joan.

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