Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 5 October 2011

the final part of the birthday trilogy

High winds and the threat of rain greeted us on the beach, but spirits were not dampened.  It was another birthday!! hoorah!  This time, pete the pike.  After noting the swim would be a tough one due to the 6 ft waves we had the obligatory birthday photos and watched 5 comorants fly by before heading in.  Pete in first, no doubt boosted by his pending milestone, tearing off and getting 20 m out before we had touched our toes in it.  And then we all made our way through the breakers, something we have gotten used too the last few weeks :) 
Regroupiing 75m out, we opted for widths of our beach again, made unusual by the swell so the interest levels kept up.  West to East easy peesy, but East to West the 20mph wind blew the big swell into us slowing the swimming.  It took a good five minutes to swim the 100-120m width in that direction.  After reaching the end I turned to see Sara and Pete being lifted some 8-10ft on a crest of a wave.  It never looked that big from the shore!!  But we all loved it.  After two laps Dave and Sara exited and the remainder completed another lap.
After some rather dodgy exiting - some falling over! mentioning no names ;-) - we settled into the now normal routine of homemade cake, and tea drinking before heading off to work.  Many happy returns Pete!
And here's your limerick...

He'll be known as Ironman Pete,
Great on wheels and fast on his feet,
In the sea he mounts Sara,
She pictures him barer,
A new male model? That would be a treat!

Swimmers: Pete, Ollie, Hildi, Anita, Sara, Dave and Joan.
Non-swimmers: Annika and Domino

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