Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 15 October 2011

The Mega Big One

Ollie’s blog:
Following up from last seasons’s finale, titled “the big one” , where last September the original SSF contingent powered their way through a 4k course from Saltdean to the Marina, the 2011 Season’s finale was set around an 8k version of the same course.  To sit in line with the tides, we were going to attempt the Marina – Saltdean – Marina swim.  I have tried to scour the internet but I don’t think a time for this swim has ever been recorded in history, so perhaps we have a pioneering swim on our hands.

With that thought in mind 3 Pioneers set off from the Marina beach, Alex, Ollie and Johny, all marveling at the generous October conditions.  Bathed in sunshone with  emerald sea awaiting we hit the beach.  Johnny attached his GPS to the support kayak, and we did some final arm swinging before dipping our toes in to the water at about 3 mins to 11.  Start time was 11 sharp – I think this is the first time we have ever been on time!  The sea temp felt cold at first, but we soon got used to it once we had climbed over a few rocks to get deep enough to launch ourselves horizontal.  And that’s how we’d be, horizontal, we guessed at that stage, for the next 2hrs 45 mins.

Setting off we were soon joined by Steffan on the support kayak who had entered at a slightly different beach for ease, and Johnny and I waited as he set his GPS running.  Alex hadn’t seen the call to wait and was off ploughing ahead, becoming a hare for us to chase.  The going was tough, the stiff south-Easterly had formed a 1-2ft chop that clattered into us head on for much of the way there.  Timing of the stroke was key to get through this obstacle, and I noticed the catch phase of the stroke became slightly random, slipping water quite a lot.  However, the current was with us so we made steady progress.  Johnny and I matched each other stroke for stroke enjoying the company and I wondered how alex was doing, out there on his own.  Upon reaching the Ovingdean Café, I checked the watch….  33m:28s… I thought that sounded quite slow.  I had set off at a very relaxed pace mind, keen to save something for later and eek out those energy supplies.  We motored on.  Half way between Ovigdean and Rottingdean we stopped Steffan for a drink of his super duper herbalife sports drink.  Tasted clean against the salty sea water.  Steffan indicated Alex was about 100m ahead.  We had no visibility as the waves were above head height in the water, so it was great to have the support kayak for that.  Setting off again I noticed I was stretching a gap on the kayak and Johnny, he appeared to be slowing a little.  Perhaps it was the sex on the beach before the swim, no not literally, you dirty minded reader, Johnny had been out the night previously knocking back cocktails!  I sized him up at that point and made a decision to cut loose form the kayak and try to catch Alex.  Knowning that the kayak would stay it was a choice of giving up the refueling but I wanted to stretch out and get to Saltdean at the expected elapsed time of 1 hr 20.

Past Rottingdean… 55m:48s…. And I caught a glimpse of Alex, he was about 60 m ahead.  I got a lucky high wave which gave me great visibility.  After that I never saw him again until I got to Saltdean after battling a changing tide for the last 500m.  I battled into the waters off Saltdean beach with arms already complaining a little, regretting my decision to try and catch Alex.  The time read 1h:23m:46s….but he wasn’t there????  I saw the girls preparing n the beach, recognizing the pink hat of Sara and the figure of Joan running down the beach for her dip.    Looking back towards Rottingdean I noticed Alex approaching.  I had gone past him??  After meeting up as we watched Hildi and Sara enter the water, he explained he had stopped to talk to Paul C who had set off, and spotted another swimmer (later we found out was Pete) already set off for the Marina.  I had been completely oblivious to them swimming past me as the visibility had been wretched.

The girls joined us and we set off as we saw Johnny and Steffan in the distance, beaching about 400m short of Saltdean.  He had fed the fishes with his breakfast after the motion sickness had accumulated to such an extent.  Nothing to do with the booze!! Wink wink 

I got quickly into a rhythm, noticing the change in tide, I was being pushed along and it felt great.  We flew to Rottingdean, only stopping at the kayak for a long drink at Steffan’s kayak, just before Paul W took over the support kayak.  I managed to return to Rottingdean in 18 mins, and it was no stopping as we headed onto Ovingdean.  The thought of completing the long course was now definitely possible.   We were over half way, and being pushed home a little.  With our emotions buoyed, we cracked on.  Looking round we had opened a little gap on Sara and the kayak, so not wanting to get out of rhythm again, I resigned to the fact that we would take our next feed/drink at the Marina.  Alex and I swam side by side as we approached Ovingdean and then I really tightened up.  I was exhausted.  He crept away and I was unable to keep up with him.  I passed Ovingdean Café and checked the watch… 2:01:29….I was negative splitting on the way back which was great.  I worked out that I would have to finish before 2:35 to negative split on the last leg between Ovingdean and Marina, so I went for it.  My stroke probably suffered even more for this.  With tired arms I tried changing the stroke to recover different muscles and engage the back more but without much difference to be honest.  The marina wall slowly bobbed closer and as I got to within 50m I saw Hildi on the beach, she had stomed ahead and bagged a new club record for the distance. 

I touched my feet down as Alex and and I gave high 5’s, acknowledging this was the longest either of us had swum.  Hildi returned to the water wetsuit less, with the rest of our lovely group greeting us on the beach.  Sara soon beaching after us exiting the water with her usual huge grin having loved the whole affair.  Photo’s, backslapping and exchanging stories - we all caught up and basked in the sunshine.  Pete and Paul C had already finished, both delighted with their times as we all smashed our times set in the previous year, Pete knocking a staggering 59 mins off his.

After changing back up at the cars we returned to the beach to polish off cakes, cookies and other treats before heading home.  What about next year?  How do we go one better?  I’m off to talk to the harbour master……

1= Marina to Ovingdean
2= Ovingdean to Rottingdean
3 = Rottingdean to Saltdean
4 = Saltdean to Rottingdean
5 = Rottingdean to Ovingdean
6 = Ovingdean to Marina
7 = total swim time

                1             2              3              4              5              6              7
Ollie       33:28     22:20     27:58     18:32     19:32     26:15     2:28:05
Alex            -             -            1:24:47        -               -      1:03:47  2:28:34
Johnny        -            -                 -               -               -           -             -
Hildi            -             -               -                -             16:01    34:24     1:02:52
Sara            -            -                 -               -               -           -             -
Pete            -            -                 -               -               -           -            1:21:00  
Paul C          -            -                -                -               -           -           1:21:14

heaadin' out

Johnny on the way to Saltdean

Where's that high elbow Johnny??

finishing at the marina

One half of the support team - thank you!!

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