Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Preparation for Saturday

Conditions unusually good for March. Calm seas with temperatures within range for the seasonal average. The usual suspects, minus their leader who is, by all accounts, doing research in Marrakesh for a future SSF field trip.

Still a little cold to go too far afield, but the widths between the groynes are increasingly as we all gain cold water confidence.

The sun is shining and the air temperature is good, difficult to remember just how tough it was little more than a month ago.

We were all left to ponder whether the trip to Rottingdean on Saturday would be possible given the temperatures. It would mean us all raising our game quite considerably, but it is doable and will be a fantastic achievement for all if we are able to pull it off.

Swimmers: Hildi, Paul C, Joan, Pete
Water Temp: 8C

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