Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 24 March 2012

Spring (just) dash to Rotters

It seemed a rash idea - to give Hildi's brother, Damian, a bit of early sea swimming practice in advance of his attempt at the X-man in July - but when the day dawned it couldn't have been more perfect conditions. Damian was advised to wear a wetsuit and Pete also chose this option, thinking he might be in the water long enough to risk hypothermia without it, but she and Paul chose to begin their Channel training by going 'naked' i.e. without wetsuits. They did allow themselves to break CSA regulations with their gloves and booties, however, but it is unlikely we will be swimming to France in March.

Jon and the girls were support crew and once they had seen us off were dispatched in the new Mitchell mobile to Rottingdean with bags of dry clothes, tea and hot water bottles.

We were aprehensive on the walk to the beach but the sun lent an air of optimism to the enterprise and reassured the wetsuitless swimmers (a bit). Official photos in front of a few bemused day trippers, then a reminder to Pete to do his wetsuit up (where was Joan when we needed her?!), Damian set his Garmin off and then we were swimming.

Hildi and Paul, anxious not to be in the water any longer than neccessary, led the charge but concern over the potential for cold water related danger meant a few stops and checking in with each other. Starting to feel OK - could this mean the onset of hypothermia? No, it was going OK. Damian, bouyant and slippery as a fish in his wetsuit, slipped past us but without local knowledge, headed us into the first Rottingdean beach. We all landed there but then, once all checked in, headed off for one further swim to the next beach, where Jon was rushing down with the bags - taken by surprise at how quickly we had arrived.

Really surprised at how easy it was. Dressing in the sun a pleasure, not the usual race against time and conditions, but the inevitable shakes reminded us how the sea is still geniuinely cold and that we have been training for this by CWA (cold water acclimatisation) all winter. Hildi covered in tea and lots and lots of laughs.

Scores on the doors:
Damian - an excellent first swim with the group, and showed good potential for the X-man swim section, although how he will fare in choppier conditions remains to be seen. Reassuring for Pete that he also looks less than svelte in his wetsuit Clearly a wetsuit issue not a camera 'fat setting' ;-)
Paul - open water experience showed in the willingness to take on the challenge and in his assessment of the swim as being 'do-able' in comparison with other swims.
Hildi - clearly mental. Happy to take on the mantle of the yellow leader's hat in Ollie's absence.
Pete - has improved much more than he accepts and, when properly motivated, is clearly able to 'swim faster' as commanded by coach Hildi. No more excuses, Pete!
Support crew - good support and encouragement, rather too many photos of stones.


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