Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 3 March 2012

Who turned on the cold tap?

We have been more than a little spoilt this past week with unseasonably warm temperatures. But this morning we were greeted with a gentle, but very cool breeze and a sea temperature that had rediscovered its reverse gear. The five of us spent a few moments watching the sun climb through the mist and into the morning sky. The pale watery colours screamed cold and, as is usual for this time of the year, we each silently contemplated what was to come - except for Hildi who didn't do the silent bit :)

We discussed up and coming social events, Channel Relay swims and how we would fund it. Maybe a Jubilee party although we couldn't decide upon the guest list: all of Saltdean or just family and friends? Or perhaps a tug of war on one of the groynes, so that the losers end up in the briney. I would imagine that would have implications for health and safety. Anyway, all these discussions were using up valuable swimming time, so off we went, down to the water's edge, not a wetsuit to be seen anywhere, not for a long time.

Alex recently sent us all a youtube video detailing the pitfalls and joys of cold water swimming which stated that the first minute of submersion is the most problematic for the body. For this reason, I for one adopt a routine that allows me to gently graduate myself into the water. Ollie and Joan clearly have a different technique that has far fewer graduations. Each to his or her own. So, everyone in. Ollie sets off at a rip-roaring pace but was later disqualified by a steward's enquiry for not properly touching the groyne on lap one. Sorry Ollie, but rules is rules :)

Hildi and Ollie completed an impressive four laps between the groynes with Alex and myself opting for just two. I was plagued with leaking goggles throughout and, having neoprene gloves on, I just couldn't remedy, so abandoned the idea of a longer swim. As usual Joan looked on, watching us cold-water wannabees bragging about our first 12 months without a wetsuit - come back when you have done 30 years :)

Back on the beach, teeth chattered and bodies shook as core temperatures found their way back to normal. In the carpark I received an inquiry from someone looking to join our group although he wanted to know whether wetsuits were allowed. I smiled and said they were.

Hildi and Ollie to aim for 6 widths next time out. And a trip to Rottingdean in April maybe?

Time In: 7:20
Time Out: 7:34
Swimmers: Ollie, Hildi, Joan, Alex, Paul C
Conditions: Calm and settled with a chilly breeze.

1 comment:

  1. I think we can make rotters in April. Maybe a 1 way trip in march if we leave a car and bags there. I can bring my big car down.
