Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 6 June 2012

A quiet one. Where is everyone and where is the Summer?

Paul and Hildi on the beach and Paul very concerned.  Surely last year we had more swimmers regularly here? Surely 2 years ago we had better conditions?  Speculation as to why this might be (the swimmers, not the weather).  Effects of the recession on people's jobs and work load, maybe?  Poor weather for good swimming?  Resolved with Joan when she joined us to make concerted effort to email round on Tuesdays and Thursdays to see who is coming.  Also to get website up to date ;-)

Joan joined us with her meagre shrimp pickings - one lovely large one but barely enough for a sandwich.

Meagre the adjective for the morning, really, as there was even a lack of water.  A very very low tide meant that Hildi and Paul ducking under waves to swim to the Eastward outer buoy were still able to stand in waist deep water.  On returning to join Joan at the inner buoy it was almost on the sand.

An enjoyable swim and lots of resolve to keep the SSF flag flying.  Maybe we need a committee meeting in the pub after the Forestman is out of the way?

Conditions: Low, breezy.
Swimmers: Hildi, Paul, Joan and a lone prawn

1 comment:

  1. Hello all SSF-er's!
    Personally for me absence has purely been reasons of unseasonably cold water and crap crap weather! It's always a rush for me to make it to work from the beach without being late and as my boss wouldn't let me change my hours my choice of either a weds or a fri would largely depend on what was happening at work that day. I do intend on getting in, promise!!
    Teresa D
