Established 2010

Established 2010

Sunday 3 June 2012

SSF celebrates its 2nd birthday and does the Jubilee weekend

SSF turned two and the Queen celebrated 60 years on the throne by giving us peasants an extra day holiday (unless you are a teacher peasant in which case it was during the holiday you already had).  What does SSF do with an extra day?  Gather together friends and family to swim and eat cake!

The plan was a commemorative 60 length challenge plus a monarchists vs republicans tug of war.  Unfortunately the tug of war rope was not available so we did some running about, paddling and wearing of royal family masks instead.  Conditions also conspired against us for the lengths.  For safety we had to swim concurrent lengths in pairs or more - except for Alex who clocked up a massive 12 lengths on his own in very choppy conditions.  We thought we would have to count some laps run by the children but at the last minute 4 more were clocked up by Emma and Tamsin (from Hove, actually).

There were cakes and sausages, fizzy drink and even whiskey.  Fresh caught mackerel from Joan. Fresh baked scones from Sarah.  Lots of fun with friends old and new.

Conditions: Windy and overcast with a little sunny spell later on.  LOTS of whitewater and powerful waves. Tide on the way out.
Swimmers: Alex (12), Ollie (10), Jon (4), Paul (4), Sarah (6), Pete (4), Hildi (6), Anita (6), Emma (2), Tamsin (2)

More photos from Stefan here

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