Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 27 July 2012


A disparate start this morning with various members beginning early or late.  The group was swelled by Lesley being Joan but without the widths or splashing, Annika, second time in a week, Clive & Sharon in the finale throes of their IM/NY training, Alison, second time this week, Teresa giving the men a hard time all the way to Anita Jones' locker,  plus regulars, Ollie, Alex. Hildi & Pete.  Also not forgetting Tesco Value Bread putting in only his second appearance this year.

The sea was lovely again but without Joan's thermometer, it could have been 5 or 25 degrees (who's counting these days?)  All did their own thing, Pete opting for just a single circuit then back to the groyne for some much missed diving.  With the water so clear, it was possible to follow the line of the groyne from a long way out, obviating the need for sighting, watching the crabs scuttling across the surface of the concrete landing strip.

Once back on land, the buoys were finally sorted out and Hildi produced a helpful map.  The groynes are laid out like the constellation of the Plough and are named as follows:

Bottom right - Pike
Top right - The Lost Buoy
Bottom left - Devil's shoulder
Top left - Devil's elbow
Further top left - Poseidon's claw
Outermost top left - Anita Jones' locker

See, easy and quite logical.

And today's title?
Well, this is the downside of good weather when crowds of families congregate on the beach and quite happily leave their trash behind.  Unbelievable! Ollie made a start by piling some of it up and Pete dived down an retrieved a cup, a crisp packet and a towel from the sea bed.
Roll on February when we can reclaim "our beach".

In: 6.30 onwards
Out: 7.30 ish

Sea: Oily (in a good way)
Beach: Trashed

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The naming of the buoys

 What a difference a week makes!

With summer really here, the tropical specialists finally climbed out from under their duvets.

A staggered start today with Joan running widths and Ollie, Alex, Hildi & Jon leading the charge to Rotters & back, whilst Pete under orders from first timer this year Alison, decided that laps around the buoys were in order.

Paul & Helen made a welcome appearance as did Annika,  Stefan and family Armfield  making for a colourful crew on the beach.  The sea was just lovely and perfect for the longer swims that we have been looking forward to.  8 laps of the buoys were completed in all with surf guardians Joan & Stefan counting as we came in.

The Rotters bunch returned in order of : Jon, Alex, Ollie and Hildi.  With Pete hanging with toe in buoy chain waiting to welcome them back.

Animated discussions on the beach resulted in definitive naming of our six summer companions.
More on this anon with a map so we don't forget.

Swimmers: Joan, Annika, Alison, Hildi, Jon, Alex, Ollie, Pete, Paul & Helen
Lifeguard duty: Stefan
Spectators: Family Armfield

In:    6.30
Out: 7.30

Sea temp: 16 degrees
Sea conditions: Millpond, bottom seen as far as Lost Buoy and beyond

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Surf's Up!

Descending through the tunnel Pete was greeted with full screen white water, putting paid to plans of an out & back to Rotters.  Certainly a day for frolics, not serious swims.

Joining Joan lapping the beach were Ollie & Sara accompanied by a bulky item in a silver suit.  Ollie had brought a surf board for a bit of  Waikiki flair.  Sara & Pete entertained plans of a lap of the buoys.  Wise old owl Ollie counselled against this, suggesting that it would be hard enough to make the IWB, let alone the Lost Buoy.   Scoffing at such defeatism, Sara & Pete ploughed on and on and on, but the buoy just wouldn't get any closer.  Eventually Pete managed to surprise it by creeping up on it from the south.  That worked and soon Sara captured the IWB too.

Joan meanwhile did her guardian duties, trying to spot hats in the surf and puzzling whether they were still attached to heads.  Ollie had launched himself into the briney but there appeared to be a lot of walking and little surfing.

Pete dared Sara  to swim to the Devil's Shoulder (one in from his elbow) and they set off being alternately thrown on to one another and rolled in the waves.  Shoulder reached, Alex could be seen rapidly stripping off (Anita, you really should come more often) and plunging into the waves.

The Portugese man 'o' war swam strongly to the IWB, then the Shoulder before making his way out to the Devil's elbow and beyond.  Pete & Sara meanwhile tried to make it back against the rolling surf, the groyne posing a particular problem with Sara needing to be hauled over.  Pete, worried about Alex, balanced precariously on the gryone scanning for him.  He needn't have worried, a red hat and flailing arms announced his return to the Elbow.  Pete had an attempt at tombstoning  but difficult with waves brushing the midriff.  Sara made it back whilst Pete stayed for surfing lessons from the master.
Ollie decided that it was the "wrong sort of sea" having managed to get up once for seven seconds.

All back safely and news exchanged on the beach with Alex.  The boys posed for Joan indicating that there had been just one suitable wave that day.  I guess that surfers are renowned for their patience.

Swimmers: Joan, Ollie, Alex, Sara, Pete

In 7.00
Out: 7:28
Water temp: 15 degrees

Sea - Bleeding 'eck

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Meaty, Weedy, Big & Bouncy

The magically diminishing crew of SSF descended on to the beach this morning. The roll call stopped at three.  Sara, Joan & Pete.

A lively & playful sea greeted us with large mats of weed floating past.  The tide being 3/4 in we decided to venture no further than the inner buoys and both Sara & Pete opted for the wetsuit (one each).

Joan, resting after her usual laps of the beach offered to watch  from the beach until S & P  were safely out of sight(?).

The IWB  (work it out) was reached after what seemed and age.  Sara carefully plotting a course around the weed mats, with Pete ploughing straight through, enjoying some early morning roughage.  IWB reached, widths were decided upon rather than attempt a full circuit since the OWB was invisible unless a particularly large wave offered a downwards view of the sea.

Sara was keen to weasel away for 6 whilst Pete contented himself with four, hanging around with big toe firmly plugged into the buoy chain, watching Sara completing her final two.  The swim back was enlivened by more weed, Pete bringing a large clump back and posed rasta-like until being unsuspectingly upended by a huge wave, driving Sara into fits of giggles.

Cormorants spotted, Joan did laps and paddles.

Swimmers: Joan, Sara, Pete
In: 6.57
Out 7:28
Sea: meaty, weedy, big & bouncy

Sunday 8 July 2012

What day is it?

Friday 6 July and usual suspects on the beach, plus PETE!!!!  Hang on, it's not a Wednesday!  En route to a hospital appointment, the Pike had joined the Friday group for a calm clear swim.  Not quite conditions we would like in July, but still and quiet once we entered the water, gently teasing Ollie about the efforts required from the gentleman party in the process of reproduction.  Ollie the first to the Devil's elbow, and when Hildi and Pete arrived, he was already in repose, arms outstretched to the empty sky, deep in contemplation.  Not wanting to disturb, she and Pete also entering into a moment of mindfulness in an otherwise crazy day.

Joined by the wetsuited pink hats of Sara and Anita, and also Emma, we embarked on trials for the Olympic sea-synchro (an exciting event as yet unapproved by the IOC).  We made stars and tried sitting on the bottom, although this less than successful for the girls in neoprene.  Then Hildi, Ollie, Sara and Anita off to Poseiden's Claw, and further to Davy (Anita?) Jones' Deep.

It was so calm and still we think Joan could have joined us in venturing to the outer swim square buoy, where all of us could stand up, but she was content to keep watch in the shallows.  Back on the beach we changed and chatted.  Pleased to see that Pete had remembered his trousers for once, although Hildi had only a 'Baby Yoda', and needed to borrow one to avoid a DQ for nudity in transition.

As is increasingly the case for Hildi (and maybe others) at the moment, once again the best part of the day.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Seasons in the Sun

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But I can't help feeling, those long languid swims are gone.
Goodbye calmness my old friend, we've been together since SSF was formed,
Now it's just breathe when you can and try to spot that buoy.
2012 you've not been kind but SSFers are more than a match,
For your gloomy murky misty waves.
We'll be back and back 'til you behave.
(apologies to Terry Jacks)

A disparate bunch gathered in the July gloom and looked intently for signs of water.
Eventually it was spotted and the Wednesday crew with welcome but trepidatious support from second timer Cat, took a brisk walk to the first buoy.  The tide was a low one and about an hour on the turn bringing the familiar easterly current.  All swam out to the Devil's elbow and then on to Poseidon's claw.  Ollie & Cat wisely swam back , Sara & Hildi rashly decided to push on to Davey Jones' Deep. Joan enjoyed the cormorants.

Pete had an inward conversation-
Mind: Ok let's follow the girls
Body: You kiddin' me? I's had enough.
Mind: Come on, it's not far really.
Body: You promised me no more swimming.  You said "Get me round the Forestman and it's beer & kebabs from now on"
Mind: I was desperate, I'd have promised anything.

You get the drift.  Pete, weak as a kitten floundered back to shore, carried 100m or so the wrong way as he went.

All in all, weird sort of occasion.  If we had hopes if not putting Cat off returning, they were dashed when Pete announced for the second week running that he had forgotten his trousers and had to sneak back to the car park in just Yoda again.

Cat, we are really really normal and almost harmless.

Just keep coming - everybody.

Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Cat, Hildi, Sara, Pete

In: 6.58
Out: 7.25
Water temp 16 degrees
Sea - Why oh why oh why is it always out & choppy?