Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Surf's Up!

Descending through the tunnel Pete was greeted with full screen white water, putting paid to plans of an out & back to Rotters.  Certainly a day for frolics, not serious swims.

Joining Joan lapping the beach were Ollie & Sara accompanied by a bulky item in a silver suit.  Ollie had brought a surf board for a bit of  Waikiki flair.  Sara & Pete entertained plans of a lap of the buoys.  Wise old owl Ollie counselled against this, suggesting that it would be hard enough to make the IWB, let alone the Lost Buoy.   Scoffing at such defeatism, Sara & Pete ploughed on and on and on, but the buoy just wouldn't get any closer.  Eventually Pete managed to surprise it by creeping up on it from the south.  That worked and soon Sara captured the IWB too.

Joan meanwhile did her guardian duties, trying to spot hats in the surf and puzzling whether they were still attached to heads.  Ollie had launched himself into the briney but there appeared to be a lot of walking and little surfing.

Pete dared Sara  to swim to the Devil's Shoulder (one in from his elbow) and they set off being alternately thrown on to one another and rolled in the waves.  Shoulder reached, Alex could be seen rapidly stripping off (Anita, you really should come more often) and plunging into the waves.

The Portugese man 'o' war swam strongly to the IWB, then the Shoulder before making his way out to the Devil's elbow and beyond.  Pete & Sara meanwhile tried to make it back against the rolling surf, the groyne posing a particular problem with Sara needing to be hauled over.  Pete, worried about Alex, balanced precariously on the gryone scanning for him.  He needn't have worried, a red hat and flailing arms announced his return to the Elbow.  Pete had an attempt at tombstoning  but difficult with waves brushing the midriff.  Sara made it back whilst Pete stayed for surfing lessons from the master.
Ollie decided that it was the "wrong sort of sea" having managed to get up once for seven seconds.

All back safely and news exchanged on the beach with Alex.  The boys posed for Joan indicating that there had been just one suitable wave that day.  I guess that surfers are renowned for their patience.

Swimmers: Joan, Ollie, Alex, Sara, Pete

In 7.00
Out: 7:28
Water temp: 15 degrees

Sea - Bleeding 'eck


  1. Oh I missed you all today :-(

    Next week I am relieved of childcare duties and work. And maybe we will have some summer!


  2. And Jon says he doesn't have the patience to be a surfer and that's why he took up triathlons!
