Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Seasons in the Sun

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But I can't help feeling, those long languid swims are gone.
Goodbye calmness my old friend, we've been together since SSF was formed,
Now it's just breathe when you can and try to spot that buoy.
2012 you've not been kind but SSFers are more than a match,
For your gloomy murky misty waves.
We'll be back and back 'til you behave.
(apologies to Terry Jacks)

A disparate bunch gathered in the July gloom and looked intently for signs of water.
Eventually it was spotted and the Wednesday crew with welcome but trepidatious support from second timer Cat, took a brisk walk to the first buoy.  The tide was a low one and about an hour on the turn bringing the familiar easterly current.  All swam out to the Devil's elbow and then on to Poseidon's claw.  Ollie & Cat wisely swam back , Sara & Hildi rashly decided to push on to Davey Jones' Deep. Joan enjoyed the cormorants.

Pete had an inward conversation-
Mind: Ok let's follow the girls
Body: You kiddin' me? I's had enough.
Mind: Come on, it's not far really.
Body: You promised me no more swimming.  You said "Get me round the Forestman and it's beer & kebabs from now on"
Mind: I was desperate, I'd have promised anything.

You get the drift.  Pete, weak as a kitten floundered back to shore, carried 100m or so the wrong way as he went.

All in all, weird sort of occasion.  If we had hopes if not putting Cat off returning, they were dashed when Pete announced for the second week running that he had forgotten his trousers and had to sneak back to the car park in just Yoda again.

Cat, we are really really normal and almost harmless.

Just keep coming - everybody.

Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Cat, Hildi, Sara, Pete

In: 6.58
Out: 7.25
Water temp 16 degrees
Sea - Why oh why oh why is it always out & choppy?


  1. Choppy is nice. I enjoyed it although it felt harder than it should have.

  2. Brilliant!! I didn't know we were going to be 'blogged'!
    Pete may have been a 'trouser-less' yoda, but I gather the trisuit was less revealing than usual??!
    I may yet join you again when off work although can I order it slightly less choppy - sorry Hildi x
