Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The naming of the buoys

 What a difference a week makes!

With summer really here, the tropical specialists finally climbed out from under their duvets.

A staggered start today with Joan running widths and Ollie, Alex, Hildi & Jon leading the charge to Rotters & back, whilst Pete under orders from first timer this year Alison, decided that laps around the buoys were in order.

Paul & Helen made a welcome appearance as did Annika,  Stefan and family Armfield  making for a colourful crew on the beach.  The sea was just lovely and perfect for the longer swims that we have been looking forward to.  8 laps of the buoys were completed in all with surf guardians Joan & Stefan counting as we came in.

The Rotters bunch returned in order of : Jon, Alex, Ollie and Hildi.  With Pete hanging with toe in buoy chain waiting to welcome them back.

Animated discussions on the beach resulted in definitive naming of our six summer companions.
More on this anon with a map so we don't forget.

Swimmers: Joan, Annika, Alison, Hildi, Jon, Alex, Ollie, Pete, Paul & Helen
Lifeguard duty: Stefan
Spectators: Family Armfield

In:    6.30
Out: 7.30

Sea temp: 16 degrees
Sea conditions: Millpond, bottom seen as far as Lost Buoy and beyond

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