Established 2010

Established 2010

Monday 18 February 2013

Blue skies, nothing but blue skies

Pete & Hildi on a special half term teachers' dip.
The Pete needing an ice bath after the Brighton half and Hildi needing ... well more widths actually.

A 7.30 start meant not only daylight but sun, glorious sun!
Still chilly mind with an extra ten minutes added to both journeys to the beach as a result of icy windscreens but worth it to see a lovely inviting, gentle surf.

Hildi wore her special beach camouflage outfit and is seen drinking tea with her own shadow today for the first time in how long?

Anyway -  preliminaries over and into the surf.  Both decided on starting from the eastern groyne and swimming home.  It was a little breathless at first but half a width of breast stroke was enough to remind us that this is a totally inappropriate stoke for anything but a flat sea.  How those early channel crossers managed is beyond our ken.  Hildi went further out to avoid being jostled whilst Pete stayed inshore and gulped icy salty water.

The first width achieved and was Hildi looking to get out?  No of course - she went for another and so did Pete.  Neither manged a whole one and both agreed on a half.  Hildi wanted to stay and frolic but Pete, hands already losing sensation decided that the call of the Yoda was too strong.  Tea and croissants to follow with the delicious anticipation of long warm swims now surely just round the corner.

Time in sea: 8 minutes
Temperature: no Joan so no temperature
Sea: deceptively inviting with a nasty little bite

1 comment:

  1. Why do we always at this time of year start imagining Summer swims are just around the corner?! Lashing rain and wind more likely I expect! Or maybe another snow swim?
