Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 8 February 2013

In which the girls clock up some widths

I was late due to having to scrape (really SCRAPE) ice from the car windscreen.  The car temperature gauge showed the air as -1 and flashed 'WARNING -ICE' at me all the way to the beach.  It was going to be cold!  Joan and Sara already opening up Winter HQ, soon joined by Emma, and, absent for some time, Stefan.  With Stefan choosing to watch from the pebbles, the tide in, and the sea flat, Emma and I decided to go for a width.  Following the water weasel in, we gasped, breastroked for half a width and then settled into some face in crawl.  It was hard to breathe, the water icy around our lungs.  I turned at the wall and set up, faster, for another width.  The tension between speeding up to generate heat and going into oxygen deficit was palpable and it was only due to Stefan's presence on the beach that I felt safe.  At the other wall I checked my watch.  7 minutes.  I was warming up.  Time for a little play before getting out.  Wallowing and dipping took me half way across again.  Might as well finish it.  Although the comfort was a warning sign.  3 widths for me, 2 for Emma.  Twelve minutes.  A quick trip towards France for Sara and some beach fun for Joan.

Flapjacks and honey sandwiches and THE SHAKES!

Swimmers: Joan, Hildi, Emma, Sarah
Lifeguard: Stefan
Air Temp: Freezing
Sea Temp: a guess at 5?
Conditions: Wintery and wonderful

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