Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Probably the best beach in the world

This is Sara's impression of our lovely beach.
I think she's got something there, especially her name for the painting

It wasn't quite like that today - tide right out, beautifully calm and nowadays you can see right down the coast.

Pete, Emma, Joan and Sara assembled at the appointed hour, the mood slowly changing from the dour and stolid demeanor of recent weeks to a lightness to match the morning and the recalling of last year when only four weeks hence, Paul, Hildi, Damian & Pete completed what they assumed would be the first of many trips to Rotters. How wrong they were - that was the best of the year.

With such warm thoughts, all ran down the beach with Pete first to begin the long wade to swimmable water.  Sara & Emma as usual nonchalantly nattering together as is their wont.  Joan & Pete were shoulders under and Pete going for a (virtual) width by the time the others got their feet wet.  What happened next was that each did their own thing,: Sara off for croissants again, Joan & Emma luxuriating, Pete head under trying to breathe and battling with ice cream head.

There followed a prolonged chat with tea.  Too much changing in twilight, Emma rather surprised a passer by and resolved to remember to exercise more decorum for subsequent swims.

Swimmers: Joan, Emma, Sara, Pete
Time in: 7.15
Time out 7.29
Sea temp: Doh!
Air temp: 3 degrees
Sea: Friendly

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