Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 30 March 2011

"Its green, lively, fresh and wonderful"

Joan coined this title phrase when I met her in the sea after I had jumped off the groyne.  On wednesday, a steady south westerly wind created a "lively" sea that was a lovely murky emerald green colour.  After doing the needful (in off the groyne) we all met off shore and swam lengths of the beach, actually feeling warmer than normal (9 degs at a later reading).  We wondered if we might get too warm once it goes back over 10 ;-), but as we found out before, 11 degs is still officially "freezing" according to outdoor swimming specialists "The Outdoor Swimming Society" - see link from main website.

So after all getting our fill we returned to shore and I was invited to take the shakiest video of Sara and Paul tombstoning after the swim , haven't the stakes just got higher!!

Joan treated us all to wonderful almond croissants and we drank tea like well mannered gentlemen, with a few shivery spills.  Going in twice we found was like being twice cooked, something we likened to the recent antics on masterchef - double the pleasure, twice the effect!

Sara and Paul after the swim

in 7:15
out 7:3
swimmers: the fab four
water temp 9 air temp inc wind 8.

Friday 25 March 2011

Come in, the water's aaaaaaaaaggghhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!

Another sunny Spring morning with a sharp north east breeze to accompany the intrepid three into the sea. The tide was further in today, but not so much that Sara would attempt her first tombstone. That will have to wait until next time - weather permitting. Wetsuits now a thing of the past, the three of us headed in. Joan was first under the waves, whereas Sara and myself speculated quite why it was we decided to ditch the wetsuits. I was last in, after much complaining, but after the initial minute of fire, the temperatures all settled down and we were able to do some swimming. Slightly longer than usual this time, 15 minutes in total which proves conditions are improving.

Hopefully the rest of the gang will re-appear during the Spring season. There are records to be broken and personal bests to be achieved.

Time In: 7:12
Time Out: 7:29
Swimmers: Sara, Joan and Paul
Air Temp: 6C
Sea Temp: 8.5C

Here is some video I captured later in the day near Brighton.
It gives you an idea of the conditions of the day.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Are we there yet?

Hello. Well, today was the first swim of the Spring season and also the lowest tide I think I have ever seen. It was all to do with that huge moon that appeared over the horizon on Saturday which, Joan reliably informs me, only appears once every 20 years. Anyway, just the three of us today and despite the sunny start, there was a chilly wind coming in from the north east which all contrbutes to conditions not being quite as nice as they should have been.

Of bigger concern was the lack of sea water anywhere to be seen. Not only did we have a long walk to reach the sea, it was likely to be a further trek out to deeper water once we arrived, much of which would be across some rather uncompromising rocks. And, of course, once we had completed our swim, we would have to get back again before the shivers set in. So, the intrepid three headed off to do our duty. Joan leading the way, Sara shrieking and laughing, and me just complaining that we just never seemed to be getting any closer to our destination. I didn't feel I would actually make it in today because of the extended walk, but eventually after a small eternity we all did reach deeper water and were able to do some swimming. For reasons of safety we stuck quite closer together with Sara choosing not to do her usual swim to France. The journey back in was equally long and difficult although mercifully the shivers stayed away until much later.

Joan estimated it was around a 1/4 mile there and back. Sea temperatures improving , Ruth you don't know what you're missing :)   .... or perhaps you do.

Time In: 7:17
Time Out: 7:39
Swimmers: Joan, Sara and Paul
Air temp:6C
Sea temp: 7.5C

Where has the tide gone?

Can you believe the tide is still actually going out !

Sara waiting for the sensation in her toes to re-appear before leaving the beach

Friday 18 March 2011

Spring is in the air....

Well, off we went again, albeit rather more misty and murky this morning.  But the sea was inviting and was perfect for a jump-in-off-the-groyne entry.  Just before we were about to go for it though, an announcement.....Sara reminded us that this was the last winter swim.  Next week would officially be Spring so we celebrated and gave ourselves a pat on the back for making it through to the other side.  But special praise was for Joan who really showed us the way to go throughout the winter and certainly kept sara going, and hence the club survived the winter months, never actually dropping a week.  Well done to all.  Sara had kindly written a limerick with thanks...

there once was a woman called Joan,
In the sea she felt really at home,
She's seen us through snow,
Frost and temperatures low,
Unlike the boys she'll never moan.
She'd been our inspiration,
through every cold sensation.
thank you truly, and deeply, Yoda Joan.

(crafted by the water weasel)

After a healthly round of applause, and getting ourselves organised Paul and I took some considerable time to get into our jumping positions, leaving the camera team poised on the beach slowly getting colder :( sorry!  its slippery up there!

After more considerable time faffing, thats my middle name, we took the plunge, enjoy the vid.  Following that, the camera team lept into action, de-robed and flew into the sea.  Once in we managed some decent lengths of the beach before re-grouping and getting Joan to show off her very decent front crawl - slightly low legs but we can work on that ;-)

I had to make a quick getaway today so it was a rushed re-dresh with Sara sharing out some home grown egg sandwiches (the egg, not the bread, just to clarify)

Winter gone for this year, bring on the longer days, swimming buoy to buoy and dare I say it, the group numbers growing......

Ollie confidently, and Paul more gingerly, doing the winter tombstone

It ain't arf cold mum !

The end of swim ritual

Sara and Joan limbering up

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Very, very calm seas with loads going on

Well, not wanting to big it up too much, it really was an enchanted swim.  Beautifully calm, crystal clear waters and all four in without suits.  Yes! you read it right!  no neoprene in sight!.  i'm a poet and don't even know it.  A word about today before i launch into the main text, there are litterally pages and pages of material to write about today so I must try do the group justice and pick out the highlights - please shoot me down if I omit a particularly good bit.

I first caught glimpse of Joan and Sara huddling at the back of Joan's Range Rover like some dodgy gold watch salesmen at the watford gap services who turn up after dark.  they were huddled around a laptop watching dirty movies! (their words) - my interest levels rose.  It was 7 am, I had only just come round from creeping around the house trying not to wake the baby having crawled out of my lovely bed at 6:39.  If it goes to 6:40 I just won't make it there on time.  I was still in a daze, working out my days work when suddenly I'm confronted with a dirty movie.   Alas....these two are too pure and too lovely.  It was Sara shedding clothes, in for her first swim last friday.  (all the swims before that don't actually count).  Paul added the comedy factor trying to ignore it not knowing where to look, internally beating himself up! :) lol

and then after much amusement we were suddenly on the beach, as if transported there, perhaps I hadn't fully woken up.  Getting to the shore was a chore in itself, down a huge bank of pebbles that had been very neatly displaced by the sea.   then we were joined by Paul, he looked tall, different in someway, something aray...wait for it.....I know....with no wetsuit!  his first swim!  To mark the occaision, Joan got out her video cam, paul said Damn and she took various clips of us getting ready.  but that time had come.  It was time to go in.  all four without suits. fancy that.  Joan filmed the three of us going in then joined us.  the sea was absolutely amazing.  No different in colour to the sky at the horizon leaving me mesmorised.  But the best was underwater.  clear as day, the clearest sea ever perhaps? we relaxed.  we swam in the 8 deg water up and down the beach stopping and chatting as we passed.  We all went through the warm rush of blood feeling as the jokes continued to fly.  the birds dived to the water easily spotting fish under the surface.  We swam for 10 mins with joan staying in a little longer.

Out on land we all got taken by the shivers.  We had shaky hands spilling tea, knickers around hot water bottles and even a warm shower, but still our bodies would not let the cold go.  And after all that, Joan said she actually felt warm! :)  she had even avoided turning the weird pink orange colour that is now custom for me to glow, I like to think it helps the fishing boats keep away from the rocks.

super swim and great laughs.  look forward to friday.

in 7:15
Out 7:30
air temp and water temp 8 degs.

Friday 11 March 2011

Sara skips the wetsuit

Little did we know that shortly before we began our morning swim, tragic events had unfolded in Japan. Just the three of us today. Spring is trying to break through, so much so that Sara forgot to bring her wetsuit.  Heavens, this made me feel decidedly inadequate as I am now the only fulltime member of SSF not to have taken the winter plunge. Tide was low, a bit choppy further out, which I where I headed. Sara and Joan did the cold water training closer to the shore which all made sense. In between gulps of seawater I heard shrieking and laughter behind me, so I guess a good time was being had by almost all. We stayed in as long as possible, although I seem to recall it was Joan who remained in the water the longest. Congratulations go to Sara for taking the plunge and coming through the ordeal with a big smile.  Seems like I have run out excuses.

Time In: 7:12
Time Out: 7:29
Swimmers: Sara, Joan and Paul
Air Temp: 7C
Sea Temp: 6C

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Grumpy old men

Cold morning, grey skies, plenty of wind coming in from the South West, rough seas, tide out, coming in or just staying out, depends which opinion you prefer  - Sara or Joan's, like two squabbling hens trying to decide  :)  We got changed, it were blinking cold, as Ollie commented, "that north wind gets right oop your crevices". Joan quickly corrected him, South West I think you will find. Not disheartened, Ollie pointed to the undercover space adjacent to the restaurant (that never opens) and suggested we head back up there. Joan instantly shot him a glance, a bit like an angry mother about to scold an unruly child, and the idea was quickly dropped. We all got changed, Sara and I opting for the less brave wetsuit option, Joan and Ollie taking the naturist approach. Ollie suggested he stay back and look after the bags, I offered to help. Joan and Sara were having none of it, I do believe there is a photo of this? Speaking of photo's, Sara spotted a perfect photo op  where she would charge full throttle and bellow like an amazon at a flock of seagulls languishing on the sand, hoping to capture  one. Problem was we didn't have a camera.  So Joan offered up her iPhone and Ollie bravely volunteered to do the honours even though he wasn't quite certain how the controls worked, so ended up taking a photo of his navel. His general outburst of self-criticism caused the birds to take flight long before Sara got anywhere near them. And whilst Ollie gestured for them to return to their original position so that he might try again with the iPhone, our feathery friends decided they just didn't fancy ending up in Sara's collection. She tried to hide her disappointment, but I reckoned Ollie ought not to rely on her lifesaver skills today ....

So, into the water. I headed off first, but then Joan and Sara , and then Ollie, came bounding past, we reminded me of one of the chase scenes in the Benny Hill show when it was on TV. He was first in, then straight out. Straight in again, bouncing up and down like an animated character from a cartoon where the feet don't quite seem to ever touch the ground. Sound effects were quite good as well, lots of whooping and herring gull mating calls before finally everybody managed to get their shoulders under. The sea very choppy and wavey, it wasn't long before we all noticed just how far we had drift.ed As usual Sara sets the pace, my goggles misted up so I spent most of the time just looking for a pink swim hat in the gloom. Not sure what Ollie and Joan got up to, although Sara did comment to me that upon his exit from the sea, he looked decidedly orange...?

Not really a day for swimming although we all did our best, Winter has yet to pass. The sea was also in a grumpy sort of mood, seemingly refusing to let Sara and I get out, such was the pull of the current. But we did get out and back on the beach Sara did her usual thing of taking off the wetsuit and heading straight back in to take temperature readings.

Ollie constructed a hi-tech temperature measuring device which to provide us with an air temperature of 6C - although it felt a lot colder. Sara confirmed the sea temperature twas the same.

Time In: 7:17
Time Out: 7:36
Sea Temp 6C
Air Temp 6C
Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Sara and Paul

Friday 4 March 2011

Birthday bash

It was nice to wake and think, 2nd time this week.  perhaps the cold won't feel so cold as my body hasn't yet forgotten how cold it was on wednesday and the fact that it took all morning to wiggle the toes.  Well it was still certainly a chilly morning.  the meter read 0 degs when I left the house.  The sun hadn't come up over the old butlins yet so we huddled under the cover of the East Groyne out of the wind.  We had spectators today....oooooohhhhh....I hear you say.  Dom's birthday gave us a Limerick and some home made bakewell tarts.  the photographer I had booked also showed up to capture the moment.  Actually he wasn't booked, and I think we spoilt his sunrise serenity and he was forced to abandon his project as the belly laughter and screams of cold water against skin filled the beach, as they always do on a SSF morning!

After emerging froma cold 4 deg water, Joan, Ollie and Dom waited for Paul and Sara to return back to english waters.  then James and helen joined us on the beach!  What a party! and by the time Sara and Paul came in (after a 20 minute swim!) I took this photo as there was disbeleif the lady was going back in!  I know what you're thinking, they are all having a go at the bakewell tart tin on the beach....

 joan attempts to warm up after her swim
 sara in for a dip

and to the limerick....

There once was a man they called Domino
His girlfriend was in SSF you know,
Today he'll be joining us
Watch us changing, please don't make a fuss
It'll give him a nice feeling down below

sara - aka water weasel

in 7:15 out 7:35
Paul, Ollie, Joan, Sara

Thursday 3 March 2011

Tombstoning, viagra and hot tea

Yes folks, the fun and hijinks continue down on Saltdean beach. You just don't know what you are missing. Jokes and japes are the order of the day, every day!

Winter has returned and so has the wind chill factor - it was cold. But the sun was out and the sea unusually calm. The famous four converged on the beach as is customary for a Wednesday morning. I, myself, was late as usual and by the time I arrived there was a very interesting debate going on between Sara and Joan as to whether the tide was  coming in or going out. Joan - says out. Sara - says in. Neither was prepared to back down, honour was at stake. Ollie and myself kept our own counsel. During a truce in the debate, Joan speculated that Ollie might have preferential access to Viagra on the grounds of his, connections (not quite sure how the conversation got onto this). I, myself, wanted to know if discounts were available for mates, just for reference .... but I later discover that such products are classified as "performance enhancing" so might invalidate any future swims- so best leave it.

We were then entertained by a beachcomber called Dave dressed up in official uniform. He was actually the beachfront manager and was paying a friendly visit to run a sanity check over the assembled cast. Quickly satisfied that we were all barking he re-assured us that any interested onlookers would be informed of our sea worthiness should they attempt to raise the coastguard or lifeboat in order to rescue us. After some more general chit-chat he wished us luck and went on his way. Good to know that there is a watchful eye. Anyway, Dave did settle the dispute between Joan and Sara - the tide was coming in. Sara was ecstatic, Joan was not.

At this point I suggested Ollie take the tombstone test as conditions were favourable. I did not expect him to say yes, but up he went along the sea wall, tripping  over and falling onto his backside before taking up position and launching himself into a freezing cold sea  - without his wetsuit on. The noises he produced were quite comedic and had it not been  so cold, my sides would have split with laughter!! :)) Unfortaunely, I was tasked with taking photographs of the event, but my hands were so cold I just couldn't catch the moment of glory (sorry Ollie, didn't have the heart to ask you to do it again). Will video it next time. Still, the photographs should give you some idea.

I followed Ollie into the water although I was wearing a wetsuit so the effect was not quite the same. Not nearly as cold as I thought it would be, fortunately Ollie was already in the water giving me some bearing of depth. I made heavy work of it, acting a bit like a frightened schoolboy on the end of the instructor's boot. Once in the water I gave chase to Sara, who by this time had already reached France and was on her way back. Conditions were good so it was possible to swim out quite far without too many problems. Joan and Ollie maintained their presence closer to the shoreline although remained in the water for  quite some time which, given their lack of wetsuit, was very impressive. Sara and I pursued the usual ritual of discussing cormorant and albatross formations in the sky. I could see hundreds although I was later reliably informed that there weren't any. This cold water does do strange things.

I have to confess that the wind chill really did begin to bite once back on the beach and I was relieved to get my hands on some hot tea. We still await Fiona from Brighton Swimming Club who has promised a guest appearance sometime soon. Friday is birthday time again, so expect another limerick!

Air temp: 0C (wind chill)
Sea temp: 4.5C
Time In: 7:12
Time Out: 7:48
Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Sara and Paul

Ollie takes the tombstone test without a wetsuit - hope he's OK ...

Ollie surfaces, making noises that could be heard two beaches away