Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Very, very calm seas with loads going on

Well, not wanting to big it up too much, it really was an enchanted swim.  Beautifully calm, crystal clear waters and all four in without suits.  Yes! you read it right!  no neoprene in sight!.  i'm a poet and don't even know it.  A word about today before i launch into the main text, there are litterally pages and pages of material to write about today so I must try do the group justice and pick out the highlights - please shoot me down if I omit a particularly good bit.

I first caught glimpse of Joan and Sara huddling at the back of Joan's Range Rover like some dodgy gold watch salesmen at the watford gap services who turn up after dark.  they were huddled around a laptop watching dirty movies! (their words) - my interest levels rose.  It was 7 am, I had only just come round from creeping around the house trying not to wake the baby having crawled out of my lovely bed at 6:39.  If it goes to 6:40 I just won't make it there on time.  I was still in a daze, working out my days work when suddenly I'm confronted with a dirty movie.   Alas....these two are too pure and too lovely.  It was Sara shedding clothes, in for her first swim last friday.  (all the swims before that don't actually count).  Paul added the comedy factor trying to ignore it not knowing where to look, internally beating himself up! :) lol

and then after much amusement we were suddenly on the beach, as if transported there, perhaps I hadn't fully woken up.  Getting to the shore was a chore in itself, down a huge bank of pebbles that had been very neatly displaced by the sea.   then we were joined by Paul, he looked tall, different in someway, something aray...wait for it.....I know....with no wetsuit!  his first swim!  To mark the occaision, Joan got out her video cam, paul said Damn and she took various clips of us getting ready.  but that time had come.  It was time to go in.  all four without suits. fancy that.  Joan filmed the three of us going in then joined us.  the sea was absolutely amazing.  No different in colour to the sky at the horizon leaving me mesmorised.  But the best was underwater.  clear as day, the clearest sea ever perhaps? we relaxed.  we swam in the 8 deg water up and down the beach stopping and chatting as we passed.  We all went through the warm rush of blood feeling as the jokes continued to fly.  the birds dived to the water easily spotting fish under the surface.  We swam for 10 mins with joan staying in a little longer.

Out on land we all got taken by the shivers.  We had shaky hands spilling tea, knickers around hot water bottles and even a warm shower, but still our bodies would not let the cold go.  And after all that, Joan said she actually felt warm! :)  she had even avoided turning the weird pink orange colour that is now custom for me to glow, I like to think it helps the fishing boats keep away from the rocks.

super swim and great laughs.  look forward to friday.

in 7:15
Out 7:30
air temp and water temp 8 degs.

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