Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 18 March 2011

Spring is in the air....

Well, off we went again, albeit rather more misty and murky this morning.  But the sea was inviting and was perfect for a jump-in-off-the-groyne entry.  Just before we were about to go for it though, an announcement.....Sara reminded us that this was the last winter swim.  Next week would officially be Spring so we celebrated and gave ourselves a pat on the back for making it through to the other side.  But special praise was for Joan who really showed us the way to go throughout the winter and certainly kept sara going, and hence the club survived the winter months, never actually dropping a week.  Well done to all.  Sara had kindly written a limerick with thanks...

there once was a woman called Joan,
In the sea she felt really at home,
She's seen us through snow,
Frost and temperatures low,
Unlike the boys she'll never moan.
She'd been our inspiration,
through every cold sensation.
thank you truly, and deeply, Yoda Joan.

(crafted by the water weasel)

After a healthly round of applause, and getting ourselves organised Paul and I took some considerable time to get into our jumping positions, leaving the camera team poised on the beach slowly getting colder :( sorry!  its slippery up there!

After more considerable time faffing, thats my middle name, we took the plunge, enjoy the vid.  Following that, the camera team lept into action, de-robed and flew into the sea.  Once in we managed some decent lengths of the beach before re-grouping and getting Joan to show off her very decent front crawl - slightly low legs but we can work on that ;-)

I had to make a quick getaway today so it was a rushed re-dresh with Sara sharing out some home grown egg sandwiches (the egg, not the bread, just to clarify)

Winter gone for this year, bring on the longer days, swimming buoy to buoy and dare I say it, the group numbers growing......

Ollie confidently, and Paul more gingerly, doing the winter tombstone

It ain't arf cold mum !

The end of swim ritual

Sara and Joan limbering up

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