Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 29 April 2011

Out to another buoy

A slightly more chilly morning greeted us for this Not the Royal Wedding swim. The north east wind persists, making the sea look deceptively calm, particularly at high tide. The trade-off being that there can be a wicked current running out to sea in the same direction when the tide begins to turn. But we were all undeterred and decided to go for it. Problem was, we were not too sure what we were supposed to go for. Might it be the buoy discovered on Wednesday or another which had miracously appeared since then. Probably the same distance out, although more aligned with the groyne we were sheltering next to. A debate followed as to its colour, it looked yellow to me, but Ollie insisted it was pink. Later turned out he was correct. The wetsuit division headed out first, followed more gingerly by the non-wetsuit division. Joan kept careful watch nearer the beach and swam widths. Hildi led the charge with me determined to keep pace, though ita just impossible to catch these youngsters. Pete and Ollie followed close behind. All four of us touched the buoy and headed back in, having to do battle with the surface chop smacking against our faces. I took a couple of mouthfuls of the stuff, and with steamed up goggles just tried to sight on Hildi's red swimming cap (which SOOOO clashed with her brand new wetsuit). Anyway, it seemed easier than Wednesday, probably because we all knew it was easily doable. Back on the beach, it was tea provided by Hildi on her Kelly Kettle, and carrot cake. Wonderful stuff. And not a Union Jack in sight. We all trekked off the beach vowing to return next Wednesday. Rottingdean cannot be far away now.

Time In: 7:14
Tine Out: 7:38
Swimmers: Hildi, Paul, Pete, Ollie and Joan
Sea Temp: 11C
Air Temp: 10C

Not the Royal Wedding party !

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Out to the buoy

The cavalry joined us again this morning so we had Hildi, Pete, Joan, Sara, Paul and Ollie getting ready and trying to ignore the stiff northerly breeze which has taken the somewhat tropical weather away.  The sea looked lovely though, not giving away that it had dropped to 11 degs in temp. 
Another thing caught our eye...there bobbing in the middle distance was a new buoy.  All alone, we immediately set it as the target for the day, each guessing somewhere between 300 and 500 metres away.  It was a there-and-back swim and on the way out the wind picked up off shore.  the small buoy took some time to get to, and the four that went for it, Sara, Paul, hildi and Ollie, had to be a little wary of the East to West current that was blowing us off course.  We all touched the buoy and headed back as a group making sure that we kept sighting frequently off the shore so as not to land on another beach.  Joan and Pete managed widths ably, with Pete clocking five.
So anywhere between 600 and 900m swam in 11 degs, felt lovely and felt like we had accomplished our first proper swim.  Rottingdean feels very possible now at these temps.  Lets look at the next favourable tide and weather perhaps.
I didn't catch the time in and out, nevermind, it was more of a voyage thatn a time trial.   Hildi made in back in with the suit turned down to get a feel of the water, no suit on Friday perhaps?
Final arrangements made for the wedding day swim not that we want to associate with the wedding (but thanks for the free day off)!

Time In: 7:11
Time Out: 7:34

you can just make out the buoy we swam to in this pic

the beach was looking lovely this morning

the cavalry arrive

Hildi goes back in for some real freshness

Friday 22 April 2011

Good Friday's beach breakfast

A super turnout for the first SSF breakfast on the beach held  fittingly on Good Friday. This Indian Summer during Easter continues and provided a welcome backdrop for the morning's swim. Anita, Ruth and Pete all joined in the fun, and it was good to see them again. There were those with wetsuits, and those without and each of us did their own thing. Have to remember that it is still only April and sea temperatures, whilst improving, are still a little bit chilly. Sara and myself led the charge out to sea, with me trying very hard not to be Mr Grumpy, so just a case of having to grin and bear it. The tide was going out, although not so much trekking across the rocks to deeper water thankfully. The water a little murkier than Wednesday, so the garden beneath the waves was not quite as visible. Instead Sara pointed out Fulmars flying above which, I understand, are related to the albatross - which I only see during the winter season. We all swam around for a bit, before heading back in to have some of the breakfast that Ollie was preparing. Much discussion and general chit-chat, Sara's vegetable loaf went down very agreeably. There was a limerick penned by Sara for Ollie's little girl Penny, and the warm weather ensured that the shivers were kept to a minimum. At around 9.15am we all began leaving, promising to return next week for another beach breakfast on the bank holiday.

Time In: 7:20
Time Out: 7:40
Air Temp: 18C
Sea Temp: 12C
Swimmers: Joan, Anita, Ruth, Pete, Sara, Ollie, Tracy, Penny, Paul and a guest (whose name I did not catch).

Wednesday 20 April 2011

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Well a good turn out this mornign saw Paul the rockstar, Sar, Joan Ollie and the suited Hildi limbering up on beside the groyne waiting to tacklethe raging sea.  But then we firmly realised we were all dressed up and nowehere to go.  The sea had moved away.  Retreated to more wintery climes.
Oh, wait a minute, no, no I can see it, if you squint and look through the telescope you can just make out the twinkle of the morning sun on the sea...about 1/2 a km away.
we set off at 7:08 and spent 10 mins getting to the waters edge, wading a further distance trough the maze of sandy patches and rocks until finally we were thigh deep and plunged our shoulders under. 07:18.
Couldn't swim left, couldn't swim right, so only one way to go - straight out.  Off we went, like a pod of dolphins chattering and happily ploughing through the waves.  out we went, further and further, never been so far from the saltdean cafe.  It was amazing.  Still further and still we saw the bottom, crystal clear and now starting to appear all the star fish and other deep water creatures, somewhat the opposite of out of their depth caused by the tiny sea.  At about 250m we turned around to look at the shore.  no current, no waves, just a picture perfect morning and a comforting 12 deg sea.  Soon after we headed back to Joan who had rested a little way back and navigated our way to shore, emerging about 20 mins later.
Back to the towels and we enjoyed homemade energy bites from Hildii and some super duper rhubarb cake from Sara - what a chef!  Final plans for the breakfast of the year for friday and we split.
lastly, a small scientific test took place, the measurement of the temp of the water inside hildi's bootie, a spa like 20 degs c!!

Friday 15 April 2011

New gloves and booties...

The sea was calm, tide coming in, air temperature about 9 and sea about 10.  This week's Brighton marathon finishers; Pete the Pike and Hildi, joined the usual gang of Paul C, Sara, Joan and Ollie.  Hildi and Pete were a bit out of practice at getting ready for open water swimming, but it wasn't too long before we all headed down the beach, with Paul making his entry from the wall.

Hildi's face was cold and she wasn't sure she'd manage the 4 'widths' Ollie prescribed, but her new gloves and wetsuit socks kept her toasty and the face got used to it.  Pete appeared to be swimming laps towards France and back, whether by design or not wasn't obvious.  The regulars looked comfortable, although pink and glowing, with the bare skin exposed to the water.  Gloves and boots sufficient insulation for these hardy chaps who've been keeping our spot warm all winter.  Lots of exclamations along the lines of 'This is lovely!', and Hildi did not want to get out!

Hot water (no tea/coffee hiding in Hildi's flask today), a few tingles and wriggled into dry clothes.  Joan and Sara's towelling hoodies much admired.  A bit of talk about pre-race nutrition for the Forestman swim (Hildi and Sara) and race strategies for the Arun (Sara and Pete).  Planning for a picnic next Friday - meatloaf, hot beverages, even a gazebo have been mentioned.  Hope there is a good turn out.

In 7:10, out 7:30.

PS That was the best bit of my day!  Home for further resuscitation work on the i-pod, and to a parking ticket acquired while reading to the kids at Elsie's nursery :-(

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Gone fishin'

I am not sure where all the fine weather has gone. Air temps have drop down a bit but the sea remains warmer thankfully. Overcast, sea a little choppy but nothing serious. Tide in, going out I believe? The famous four converge on Saltdean beach for the customary Wednesday ritual. The chilly North wind made us all labour getting undressed, and it was Joan and Sara who were first to the water's edge. Ollie and I looked on nervously, still half dressed in our warm winter beach attire. Then, without warning, Ollie bounded after the two, overtook them and plunged into the sea. It is makes me laugh everytime :))  I pondered the possibility of tombstoning into the water, really out of necessity than as a party trick. But I chose not to seeing that the others were already in, and likely to be getting out by the time I was in position. We spent the session swimming widths back and fourth, 4 times, making a total of 400m taking around 21 minutes to complete. During the excitement Joan swam out to catch some mackeral, apparently they are now just a mile offshore .... ! Sea temps quite bearable once you get used to it, didn't notice the burning sensation so much today. Some evidence of the comedy shivers when getting dressed again, but soon all of this will be routine. More of our comrades promise attendance on Friday. Rottingdean cannot be far away.

Time in: 7:17
Time Out: 7:38
Swimmers: Ollie, Sara, Joan and Paul
Air temp: 6C
Sea temp: disputed. between 8.5 and 11.1C

Joan's morning catch - and breakfast !

Friday 8 April 2011

Kool for Kats

I was early! I was early! Although Joan and Sara were earlier. Just the three of us again, although from nowhere Ollie came swaggering onto the beach at the last minute sporting athe trendiest pair of shades you ever did see, making him the coolest cat on Saltdean beach. The fabulous four were reassembled and readied themselves for the Friday swim. It was a fine Spring morning, plenty of sun but with a breeze coming in from the north to moderate the air temperature. Reasonably calm, but low tide and still going out. As usual. this would mean a trek to the deeper water. Joan commented that we appear to have lost a great deal of sand during the Winter months, which certainly explains why the trip across the rocks has been tougher at low tide since the turn of the year.

So, off I went, bounding towards the sea, determined to be first in without any complaining. Try to imagine the slow motion running scene from the film "Chariots of Fire "... anyway, somehow I must have slowed down, because Ollie, Joan and Sara made it into the sea before I did. Temperatures brisk, but manageable. Ollie and I speculated that perhaps we should turn this into a spectator sport instead, but finally we relented after much encouragement from the girls. Shoulders finally under, some swimming groyne to groyne and general chit-chat about breakfast on the beach on April 22nd, and the 8km swim on August 6th. Will any of us be match fit by then? Will we be able to dodge the jet skiis and various other assorted hazards that will litter the near shore at that time

Breakfast followed, tea and croissants as usual. Same time next Wednesday.

Swimmers: Ollie, Sara, Joan and Paul
Time In: 7:14
Time Out: 7:31
Air Temps: 11C
Sea Temp: 10C
Body Colours: Orange through pink

After the swim

Wednesday 6 April 2011

9.5C and climbing

The sun was shining and it promised to be the warmest day yet. The sea was a little choppy with gently rolling waves and a receding tide. Sara Paul and Joan walked some way before diving in and Sara even considered a spot of surfing. We swam as the kelp brushed against us and a strong current pushed us eastwards.  The gulls and oyster catchers were busy feeding amongst the rocks as the tide continued on it's way out and they hardly noticed that Sara and Paul did not go a cold red but maintained a soft pink colour.  Sara shot off to the east with Paul following fast behind. Then Paul changed tack and headed south to France. ( Paul has been supplying croissants these last two swim mornings - it's his favourite breakfast)!

For some days we have had South Westerlies blowing bringing in warmer water: noticeable and more inviting. HURRAH..........Spring's here AT LAST! 

We look forward to some more company on the beach. We miss you all!!!!!

It would be nice to have "a Gathering of SSF Swimmers" now that conditions are improving and what better time than Good Friday.  We will provide a Beach Breakfast and cannot guarantee fresh fish!  But you may be tempted with other goodies as well as testing the waters.
R.S.V.P (for catering purposes)

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Swimmers: Sara, Paul, Joan
In: 0710
Out: 0730

20 mins in without  wetsuits.  Just think of what you will be able to do WITH a wetsuit!

Water Temp: 9.5 C and rising.
Air temp: 14 C 

Joan in Ollie's absence

Friday 1 April 2011

April Fools frolicking in the surf

Yes, that was us this morning. Granted it was chilly, grey and windy, but I  for one did make a lot of noise trying to get into the sea unlike my compatriots who went bounding in like excited children. The waves were larger than usual although Sara and I did manage to get out and surf a few of them. Joan stayed nearer to the shore keeping a watchful eye just in case the coastguard or lifeboat needed raising. We managed 14 minutes, which is pretty good.  And to cap it all, we were serendaded by a fly-by of geese and oyster catchers whilst getting out of the water. As usual I got a case of the comedy shivers  whilst drinking my tea afterwards, so Sara recommended a hot water bottle in future. Sage words indeed. I brought some croissants as I have come to realise that I have been a little bit lacking on the breakfast contribution. Hopefully Chairman Ollie will rejoin the quartet next week.

Time In: 7:15
Time Out: 7:29
Swimmers: Joan, Sara and Paul
Air Temp: 10C
Sea Temp: 9C