Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 20 April 2011

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Well a good turn out this mornign saw Paul the rockstar, Sar, Joan Ollie and the suited Hildi limbering up on beside the groyne waiting to tacklethe raging sea.  But then we firmly realised we were all dressed up and nowehere to go.  The sea had moved away.  Retreated to more wintery climes.
Oh, wait a minute, no, no I can see it, if you squint and look through the telescope you can just make out the twinkle of the morning sun on the sea...about 1/2 a km away.
we set off at 7:08 and spent 10 mins getting to the waters edge, wading a further distance trough the maze of sandy patches and rocks until finally we were thigh deep and plunged our shoulders under. 07:18.
Couldn't swim left, couldn't swim right, so only one way to go - straight out.  Off we went, like a pod of dolphins chattering and happily ploughing through the waves.  out we went, further and further, never been so far from the saltdean cafe.  It was amazing.  Still further and still we saw the bottom, crystal clear and now starting to appear all the star fish and other deep water creatures, somewhat the opposite of out of their depth caused by the tiny sea.  At about 250m we turned around to look at the shore.  no current, no waves, just a picture perfect morning and a comforting 12 deg sea.  Soon after we headed back to Joan who had rested a little way back and navigated our way to shore, emerging about 20 mins later.
Back to the towels and we enjoyed homemade energy bites from Hildii and some super duper rhubarb cake from Sara - what a chef!  Final plans for the breakfast of the year for friday and we split.
lastly, a small scientific test took place, the measurement of the temp of the water inside hildi's bootie, a spa like 20 degs c!!

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